
## 家里床转让句子 (68句)


1. 出售家中闲置的床,质量良好,使用时间短。
2. 转让家中旧床,价格便宜,物美价廉。
3. 现有一张床需要转让,尺寸适宜,适合单身人士使用。
4. 由于搬家,现出售家中床,有意者请联系。
5. 家中床闲置,想要转让,价格可议。
6. 出售一张舒适的床,适合睡眠质量要求较高的人士。
7. 搬家清理,家中床转让,价格便宜,欢迎咨询。
8. 出售二手床,质量可靠,价格实惠,欢迎上门查看。
9. 家中床闲置,免费赠送,需自提。
10. 现有一张床需要转让,可用于宿舍或出租房。


11. 出售一张双人床,床垫舒适,带床头柜,价格实惠。
12. 转让一张单人床,木质床架,床垫柔软,使用时间不长。
13. 出售一张铁艺床,款式简约,耐用,价格优惠。
14. 家中床闲置,尺寸为1.5米*2米,带床头柜,床垫舒适,适合情侣使用。
15. 出售一张实木床,床架结实,床垫弹性好,适合老人使用。
16. 转让一张儿童床,卡通图案,颜色鲜艳,带护栏,安全可靠。
17. 出售一张榻榻米床,带储物空间,节省空间,适合小户型家庭。
18. 家中床闲置,床架为实木,床垫为乳胶,透气舒适,适合夏季使用。
19. 出售一张智能床,带有升降功能,可调节角度,方便阅读或观看电视。
20. 转让一张电动床,床架带按摩功能,可缓解疲劳,适合老人使用。


21. 出售的床质量非常好,几乎全新,使用时间不长。
22. 转让的床价格便宜,物超所值,机会难得。
23. 出售的床保养得很好,没有破损,可以继续使用很久。
24. 家中床闲置,免费赠送,质量保证,绝对超值。
25. 出售的床款式经典,经久耐用,适合各种装修风格。
26. 转让的床舒适度高,睡眠体验很棒,值得拥有。
27. 出售的床材质环保,无甲醛,安全可靠,适合儿童使用。
28. 家中床闲置,性价比高,价格合理,欢迎来电咨询。
29. 出售的床是正规品牌,质量有保障,售后服务完善。
30. 转让的床尺寸适宜,空间利用率高,适合各种户型。


31. 出售的床承载了太多回忆,现在想转让给有缘人。
32. 家中床闲置,希望能找到一个好的主人继续使用它。
33. 转让的床是陪伴我度过美好时光的见证,希望它能给新主人带来幸福。
34. 出售的床是精心挑选的,现在因为搬家不得不忍痛割爱。
35. 家中床闲置,希望它能继续发挥作用,给新主人带来舒适的睡眠体验。
36. 转让的床是陪伴我多年的老朋友,希望它能继续陪伴着新的主人。
37. 出售的床是我曾经的梦想,现在想把它送给需要的人。
38. 家中床闲置,希望它能找到一个温暖的家,继续陪伴着主人。
39. 转让的床是我精心打造的,希望它能给新主人带来快乐和幸福。
40. 出售的床是我亲手挑选的,现在因为要搬家不得不忍痛割爱。


41. 出售的床位于[具体地址],方便自提。
42. 转让的床在[小区名称],方便看货。
43. 出售的床在[街道名称]附近,有意者请联系。
44. 家中床闲置,位于[具体地点],欢迎上门查看。
45. 出售的床在[城市名称],方便运输。
46. 转让的床位于[区域名称],交通便利,方便取货。
47. 出售的床在[具体地址],楼层不高,方便搬运。
48. 家中床闲置,位于[具体地点],可以预约时间看货。
49. 出售的床位于[具体地点],距离[地铁站]很近,方便取货。
50. 转让的床在[小区名称],有电梯,方便搬运。


51. 出售的床价格可议,欢迎联系咨询。
52. 转让的床可以免费送货上门,具体范围请咨询。
53. 出售的床可以接受砍价,但价格不能太低。
54. 家中床闲置,欢迎感兴趣的朋友来电咨询。
55. 出售的床有意者请电话联系,[电话号码]。
56. 转让的床请加微信联系,[微信号]。
57. 出售的床有意者请联系[联系人姓名],电话[电话号码]。
58. 家中床闲置,有意者请加微信号[微信号],价格可议。
59. 出售的床可拆卸,方便搬运,具体情况请咨询。
60. 转让的床赠送床垫,具体情况请咨询。


1. Selling a bed that is in good condition, used for a short time.

2. Transferring a used bed, cheap price, good value for money.

3. I have a bed to transfer, suitable size, suitable for single people.

4. Due to moving, I am selling the bed at home, please contact me if interested.

5. The bed at home is idle, I want to transfer it, the price is negotiable.

6. Selling a comfortable bed, suitable for people with high sleep quality requirements.

7. Moving house cleaning, the bed at home is for transfer, cheap price, welcome to consult.

8. Selling a used bed, reliable quality, affordable price, welcome to come and have a look.

9. The bed at home is idle, free gift, need to pick up by yourself.

10. I have a bed to transfer, which can be used for dormitories or rented apartments.

11. Selling a double bed, the mattress is comfortable, with bedside table, affordable price.

12. Transferring a single bed, wooden bed frame, soft mattress, not used for a long time.

13. Selling an iron bed, simple style, durable, discount price.

14. The bed at home is idle, the size is 1.5 meters * 2 meters, with a bedside table, comfortable mattress, suitable for couples.

15. Selling a solid wood bed, the bed frame is solid, the mattress is elastic, suitable for elderly people.

16. Transferring a children's bed, cartoon pattern, bright color, with railing, safe and reliable.

17. Selling a tatami bed, with storage space, saving space, suitable for small apartment families.

18. The bed at home is idle, the bed frame is made of solid wood, the mattress is made of latex, breathable and comfortable, suitable for summer use.

19. Selling a smart bed, with lifting function, adjustable angle, convenient for reading or watching TV.

20. Transferring an electric bed, the bed frame has a massage function, which can relieve fatigue and is suitable for the elderly.

21. The bed for sale is of very good quality, almost brand new, not used for long.

22. The bed for transfer is cheap and value for money, a rare opportunity.

23. The bed for sale is well maintained, has no damage and can be used for a long time.

24. The bed at home is idle, free gift, quality assurance, absolutely super value.

25. The bed for sale has a classic style, durable, suitable for various decoration styles.

26. The bed for transfer has high comfort, great sleeping experience, worth having.

27. The bed for sale is environmentally friendly material, formaldehyde-free, safe and reliable, suitable for children.

28. The bed at home is idle, high cost performance, reasonable price, welcome to call for consultation.

29. The bed for sale is a regular brand, quality assurance, perfect after-sales service.

30. The bed for transfer is suitable in size, high space utilization rate, suitable for various apartment types.

31. The bed for sale carries too many memories, and now I want to transfer it to a destined person.

32. The bed at home is idle, I hope to find a good owner to continue using it.

33. The bed for transfer is a witness to the good times I have spent, I hope it can bring happiness to the new owner.

34. The bed for sale was carefully selected, and now I have to give it up because of the move.

35. The bed at home is idle, I hope it can continue to play its role and bring a comfortable sleeping experience to the new owner.

36. The bed for transfer has been my companion for many years, I hope it can continue to accompany the new owner.

37. The bed for sale was my dream once, now I want to give it to those who need it.

38. The bed at home is idle, I hope it can find a warm home and continue to accompany the owner.

39. The bed for transfer is carefully crafted by me, I hope it can bring happiness and happiness to the new owner.

40. The bed for sale was hand-picked by me, and now I have to give it up because of the move.

41. The bed for sale is located at [specific address], convenient for self-pickup.

42. The bed for transfer is in [community name], convenient to see the goods.

43. The bed for sale is near [street name], please contact me if interested.

44. The bed at home is idle, located at [specific location], welcome to come and have a look.

45. The bed for sale is in [city name], convenient for transportation.

46. The bed for transfer is located in [area name], convenient transportation, easy to pick up.

47. The bed for sale is located at [specific address], not high floors, convenient for moving.

48. The bed at home is idle, located at [specific location], you can make an appointment to see the goods.

49. The bed for sale is located at [specific location], very close to [subway station], convenient for pick-up.

50. The bed for transfer is in [community name], with elevator, convenient for moving.

51. The price of the bed for sale is negotiable, please feel free to contact us for consultation.

52. The bed for transfer can be delivered free of charge, please consult for specific range.

53. The bed for sale can accept bargaining, but the price cannot be too low.

54. The bed at home is idle, welcome interested friends to call for consultation.

55. Those who are interested in the bed for sale, please call [phone number].

56. For transfer, please add WeChat contact, [WeChat ID].

57. Those interested in the bed for sale, please contact [contact person name], phone [phone number].

58. The bed at home is idle, those interested, please add WeChat ID [WeChat ID], the price is negotiable.

59. The bed for sale can be disassembled, convenient for moving, please consult for details.

60. The bed for transfer comes with a mattress, please consult for details.

以上就是关于家里床转让句子68句(家里床转让句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
