
## 实业救国句子 (87句)


1. 实业是国家之根本,振兴中华,实业当先。

Industry is the foundation of a nation. To revitalize China, industry must come first.

2. 实业兴则国家兴,实业强则国家强。

When industry prospers, the nation prospers. When industry is strong, the nation is strong.

3. 实业是民族复兴之基,是国家强盛之本。

Industry is the foundation of national revival and the cornerstone of national strength.

4. 实业报国,是每个炎黄子孙的责任和担当。

Serving the country through industry is the responsibility and duty of every descendant of the Yellow Emperor.

5. 实业兴邦,百年大计,要从实业做起。

To build a strong nation, a century-long plan, we must start with industry.

6. 实业是立国之本,是富民强国之源。

Industry is the foundation of a nation and the source of enriching the people and strengthening the country.

7. 实业兴则民富,民富则国强。

When industry prospers, the people become wealthy, and when the people are wealthy, the country becomes strong.

8. 实业是国家的脊梁,是民族的希望。

Industry is the backbone of the nation and the hope of the people.

9. 实业是中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路。

Industry is the only way for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

10. 实业救国,任重道远,我们要脚踏实地,勇于拼搏。

The road to saving the country through industry is long and arduous. We must be down-to-earth and courageous in our struggle.


11. 实业家是时代的英雄,是民族的脊梁。

Industrialists are heroes of the times and the backbone of the nation.

12. 实业家要心怀家国,以民族复兴为己任。

Industrialists must have a heart for the country and nation, taking the rejuvenation of the nation as their own responsibility.

13. 实业家要脚踏实地,勤劳致富,创造财富,造福社会。

Industrialists must be down-to-earth, hardworking and wealth-creating, and benefit society.

14. 实业家要敢为人先,勇于创新,引领时代潮流。

Industrialists must be pioneers, bold in innovation, and leading the trend of the times.

15. 实业家要以德立身,以诚待人,以义取利。

Industrialists must establish themselves with virtue, treat others with sincerity, and seek profit with righteousness.

16. 实业家要注重科技创新,提升产业竞争力。

Industrialists must focus on technological innovation to enhance the competitiveness of their industries.

17. 实业家要注重社会责任,回馈社会,促进社会和谐发展。

Industrialists must pay attention to social responsibility, give back to society, and promote harmonious social development.

18. 实业家要树立远大志向,为国家发展贡献力量。

Industrialists must have lofty ambitions and contribute to national development.

19. 实业家要开拓创新,勇攀高峰,为民族复兴做出贡献。

Industrialists must be innovative and ambitious, striving for excellence, and contributing to national revival.

20. 实业家要以爱国情怀,振兴民族经济,推动国家发展。

Industrialists must have a patriotic spirit, revitalize the national economy, and drive national development.


21. 让我们一起努力,把实业精神发扬光大!

Let's work together to carry forward the spirit of industry!

22. 社会各界要共同关注实业发展,为实业发展营造良好的环境。

All sectors of society should pay attention to the development of industry and create a good environment for its development.

23. 要让实业家成为社会尊重的对象,为他们创造良好的发展环境。

Industrialists should be respected by society, and a good development environment should be created for them.

24. 政府要出台更多政策,扶持实业发展,为实业发展提供有力保障。

The government should introduce more policies to support the development of industry and provide strong guarantees for its development.

25. 要让实业成为社会的主流,让实业精神成为社会风尚。

Industry should become the mainstream of society, and the spirit of industry should become the social trend.

26. 要大力宣传实业家的事迹,树立实业家的榜样。

We should vigorously promote the deeds of industrialists and set them as role models.

27. 要让实业成为社会发展的重要引擎,推动社会进步。

Industry should become an important engine of social development and promote social progress.

28. 让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量,为中华民族伟大复兴贡献力量!

Let's work together to contribute to the development of industry and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

29. 实业兴则民族兴,让我们共同为实业发展贡献力量!

When industry prospers, the nation prospers. Let's work together to contribute to the development of industry!

30. 实业是民族复兴的基石,让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量!

Industry is the cornerstone of national revival. Let's work together to contribute to its development!


31. 实业精神是艰苦奋斗,自强不息,勇于创新,开拓进取的精神。

The spirit of industry is the spirit of hard work, self-reliance, innovation, and pioneering.

32. 实业精神是脚踏实地,实事求是,追求卓越,精益求精的精神。

The spirit of industry is the spirit of being down-to-earth, pragmatic, pursuing excellence, and striving for perfection.

33. 实业精神是爱国情怀,报效祖国,振兴民族经济的精神。

The spirit of industry is the spirit of patriotism, serving the country, and revitalizing the national economy.

34. 实业精神是诚实守信,以德立身,以诚待人,以义取利的精神。

The spirit of industry is the spirit of honesty and trustworthiness, establishing oneself with virtue, treating others with sincerity, and seeking profit with righteousness.

35. 实业精神是团结协作,共同发展,共创美好未来的精神。

The spirit of industry is the spirit of unity, cooperation, common development, and creating a better future together.

36. 实业精神是中华民族的优秀传统,我们要传承和发扬光大。

The spirit of industry is an excellent tradition of the Chinese nation, which we must inherit and carry forward.

37. 实业精神是实现中国梦的强大精神力量。

The spirit of industry is a powerful spiritual force to realize the Chinese dream.

38. 实业精神是国家发展的重要精神支柱。

The spirit of industry is an important spiritual pillar for national development.

39. 实业精神是引领时代发展的重要力量。

The spirit of industry is an important force leading the development of the times.

40. 实业精神是中华民族伟大复兴的强大精神动力。

The spirit of industry is a powerful spiritual driving force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


41. 相信中国实业必将迎来更加美好的明天!

I believe that Chinese industry will surely have a brighter tomorrow!

42. 实业发展前景广阔,让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量!

The prospects for industrial development are vast. Let's work together to contribute to its development!

43. 中国实业必将成为世界经济的重要力量!

Chinese industry will surely become a major force in the world economy!

44. 中国实业必将为世界经济发展做出更大的贡献!

Chinese industry will surely make greater contributions to world economic development!

45. 中国实业必将成为中华民族伟大复兴的强大引擎!

Chinese industry will surely become a powerful engine for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

46. 实业兴则中国兴,让我们共同为实业发展贡献力量,创造更加美好的未来!

When industry prospers, China prospers. Let's work together to contribute to industrial development and create a better future!

47. 实业是中华民族伟大复兴的基石,让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量,开创更加美好的未来!

Industry is the cornerstone of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Let's work together to contribute to its development and create a better future!

48. 中国实业必将迎来一个更加辉煌的时代!

Chinese industry will surely usher in a more glorious era!

49. 让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量,共创更加美好的未来!

Let's work together to contribute to industrial development and create a better future together!

50. 实业是民族复兴的希望,让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量,创造更加美好的未来!

Industry is the hope of national revival. Let's work together to contribute to its development and create a better future!

**第六部分: 歌颂实业家**

51. 他们是时代先锋,他们是民族脊梁,他们是实业报国的典范!

They are the pioneers of the times, the backbone of the nation, and the models of serving the country through industry!

52. 他们以爱国情怀,以勤劳智慧,以拼搏精神,创造了无数的财富和奇迹!

With their patriotism, diligence and wisdom, and fighting spirit, they have created countless wealth and miracles!

53. 他们用实际行动诠释了实业精神,为中华民族伟大复兴贡献了力量!

They have interpreted the spirit of industry with their actions and contributed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

54. 他们值得我们学习,值得我们尊敬,值得我们铭记!

They are worthy of our learning, our respect, and our remembrance!

55. 他们是时代的英雄,是民族的骄傲!

They are the heroes of the times and the pride of the nation!

56. 他们为民族复兴贡献了力量,他们将永远被铭记!

They have contributed to national revival and they will be forever remembered!

57. 他们的名字将永远刻在中华民族的史册上!

Their names will be forever inscribed in the annals of Chinese history!

58. 他们为我们树立了榜样,他们激励着我们不断前行!

They have set an example for us and inspire us to move forward continuously!

59. 让我们向他们致敬,让我们学习他们的精神,让我们为中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗!

Let's salute them, learn their spirit, and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

60. 他们是最伟大的实业家,他们是最值得尊敬的人!

They are the greatest industrialists and the most respected people!

**第七部分: 反思历史**

61. 历史已经证明,实业是国家强盛之本。

History has proven that industry is the cornerstone of a strong nation.

62. 历史已经证明,实业救国是振兴中华的必由之路。

History has proven that saving the country through industry is the only way to revitalize China.

63. 我们要从历史中汲取教训,大力发展实业,实现中华民族伟大复兴。

We must learn from history, vigorously develop industry, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

64. 我们不能忘记历史,不能忘记实业救国的伟大意义。

We cannot forget history, we cannot forget the great significance of saving the country through industry.

65. 让我们传承实业精神,为中华民族伟大复兴贡献力量。

Let's inherit the spirit of industry and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

66. 实业兴则国家兴,我们要牢记历史教训,大力发展实业。

When industry prospers, the nation prospers. We must remember the lessons of history and vigorously develop industry.

67. 历史告诉我们,实业兴邦,是中华民族走向复兴的必由之路。

History tells us that to build a strong nation through industry is the only way for the Chinese nation to achieve revival.

68. 让我们铭记历史,发扬实业精神,为中华民族伟大复兴贡献力量。

Let's remember history, carry forward the spirit of industry, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

69. 历史已经证明,只有实业兴旺,国家才能真正强大。

History has proven that only when industry flourishes can a nation truly become strong.

70. 我们要吸取历史教训,坚定不移地走实业发展之路。

We must learn from history and unswervingly follow the path of industrial development.

**第八部分: 展望未来**

71. 让我们共同努力,开创中国实业更加辉煌的未来!

Let's work together to create a brighter future for Chinese industry!

72. 中国实业必将迎来一个更加繁荣昌盛的时代!

Chinese industry will surely usher in an era of greater prosperity!

73. 中国实业将为世界经济发展做出更大的贡献!

Chinese industry will make greater contributions to world economic development!

74. 中国实业将成为中华民族伟大复兴的重要力量!

Chinese industry will become a major force in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

75. 让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量,创造更加美好的未来!

Let's work together to contribute to industrial development and create a better future!

76. 实业兴则中国兴,让我们共同努力,开创中国实业更加辉煌的未来!

When industry prospers, China prospers. Let's work together to create a brighter future for Chinese industry!

77. 中国实业必将迎来一个更加光明的未来!

Chinese industry will surely have a brighter future!

78. 让我们一起为实业发展贡献力量,共创更加美好的未来!

Let's work together to contribute to industrial development and create a better future together!

79. 中国实业必将成为世界经济的重要力量!

Chinese industry will surely become a major force in the world economy!

80. 中国实业必将为世界经济发展做出更大的贡献!

Chinese industry will surely make greater contributions to world economic development!

**第九部分: 其他**

81. 实业报国,人人有责!

Serving the country through industry is everyone's responsibility!

82. 实业救国,刻不容缓!

Saving the country through industry is urgent!

83. 实业振兴,任重道远!

The revitalization of industry is a long and arduous task!

84. 实业兴则民族兴,我们要坚定不移地走实业发展之路!

When industry prospers, the nation prospers. We must unswervingly follow the path of industrial development!

85. 实业是立国之本,是强国之基,我们要大力发展实业!

Industry is the foundation of a nation and the cornerstone of a strong nation. We must vigorously develop industry!

86. 实业兴邦,我们要传承和发扬光大实业精神!

To build a strong nation through industry, we must inherit and carry forward the spirit of industry!

87. 实业是中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路,让我们共同努力,开创中国实业更加美好的未来!

Industry is the only way for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Let's work together to create a brighter future for Chinese industry!

以上就是关于实业救国句子87句(实业救国句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
