
## 名山秀水好句子 (50句)

1. **山河壮丽,美不胜收。** The mountains and rivers are magnificent, breathtakingly beautiful.
2. **峰峦叠嶂,气势磅礴。** The peaks are towering and majestic, a sight of great grandeur.
3. **碧波荡漾,水天一色。** The blue waves ripple, blending seamlessly with the sky.
4. **烟波浩渺,景色迷人。** The vast expanse of water is mesmerizing, with captivating scenery.
5. **山清水秀,景色宜人。** The mountains are clear and the water is beautiful, a pleasant sight.
6. **奇峰怪石,鬼斧神工。** The strange and fantastic peaks and rocks are a testament to nature's artistry.
7. **云雾缭绕,宛如仙境。** The mist swirls around the mountains, creating a scene like a fairyland.
8. **松柏苍翠,生机盎然。** The pines and cypresses are evergreen, full of life.
9. **溪流潺潺,清澈见底。** The stream babbles gently, its waters crystal clear.
10. **鸟语花香,空气清新。** The birds sing, the flowers are fragrant, and the air is fresh.
11. **登高望远,心旷神怡。** Climbing high and looking far, the mind is broadened and refreshed.
12. **静观水流,心平气和。** Watching the water flow calmly, the mind finds peace and serenity.
13. **山水相依,相得益彰。** The mountains and water complement each other, enhancing their beauty.
14. **万山如海,波澜壮阔。** Thousands of mountains stretch out like an endless sea, a magnificent sight.
15. **峰回路转,柳暗花明。** The road winds through the mountains, revealing new and beautiful sights.
16. **古木参天,郁郁葱葱。** Ancient trees reach towards the sky, forming a dense, verdant canopy.
17. **山高水长,天人合一。** The mountains are high and the water flows endlessly, reflecting the harmony between nature and humanity.
18. **流水不腐,户枢不蠹。** Running water never becomes stagnant, just as hinges that are used frequently don't rot.
19. **风光无限,令人叹服。** The scenery is boundless, inspiring awe and admiration.
20. **山色空蒙,意境深远。** The hazy mountain scenery evokes a profound and distant feeling.
21. **秀丽景色,令人陶醉。** The beautiful scenery is intoxicating, captivating the senses.
22. **雄伟壮观,令人震撼。** The grand and magnificent scenery is awe-inspiring.
23. **大自然的鬼斧神工,令人惊叹。** The wonders created by nature are truly amazing.
24. **山水相映,相得益彰。** The mountains and water reflect each other, enhancing their beauty.
25. **美不胜收,令人流连忘返。** The beauty is overwhelming, making one reluctant to leave.
26. **自然景观,鬼斧神工。** The natural landscapes are a testament to nature's artistry.
27. **山峰巍峨,令人敬畏。** The towering peaks inspire awe and respect.
28. **水清澈见底,令人神往。** The crystal-clear water is captivating and alluring.
29. **山川秀丽,令人心醉。** The beautiful mountains and rivers are enchanting.
30. **湖光山色,美不胜收。** The beauty of the lake and mountains is overwhelming.
31. **山高水远,令人向往。** The majestic mountains and vast waters evoke a sense of longing.
32. **风光如画,令人沉醉。** The scenery is like a painting, captivating the heart and soul.
33. **山水相依,相辅相成。** The mountains and water depend on each other, complementing each other.
34. **山清水秀,空气清新。** The clear mountains and clean water provide fresh and invigorating air.
35. **山高月小,水落石出。** The mountains are high and the moon appears small; the water recedes and reveals the rocks.
36. **春风拂面,花香满园。** The spring breeze caresses the face, and the garden is filled with the scent of flowers.
37. **夏日炎炎,清泉解渴。** On hot summer days, a cool spring quenches thirst.
38. **秋高气爽,天高云淡。** The autumn air is clear and crisp, with high skies and scattered clouds.
39. **冬雪飘飘,银装素裹。** Snow falls softly, covering the world in a white blanket.
40. **山川秀美,景色迷人。** The beautiful mountains and rivers are captivating.
41. **山高水长,源远流长。** The mountains are high and the water flows endlessly, representing long-lasting traditions and heritage.
42. **山川形胜,钟灵毓秀。** The mountains and rivers are blessed with natural beauty and spiritual energy.
43. **山水风光,美不胜收。** The scenery of the mountains and rivers is breathtakingly beautiful.
44. **山高水远,心旷神怡。** The majestic mountains and vast waters broaden the mind and refresh the soul.
45. **山川秀丽,景色宜人。** The beautiful mountains and rivers provide a pleasant and enjoyable environment.
46. **山河壮丽,气吞山河。** The mountains and rivers are magnificent, inspiring awe and admiration.
47. **山清水秀,风光秀丽。** The clear mountains and clean water provide a beautiful and picturesque landscape.
48. **山高水长,天高地厚。** The high mountains and flowing waters represent vastness and grandeur.
49. **山川壮阔,波澜壮阔。** The vast mountains and rivers are majestic and awe-inspiring.
50. **山河秀丽,锦绣山河。** The mountains and rivers are beautiful and majestic, representing a tapestry of natural wonders.

## 英文翻译

1. The mountains and rivers are magnificent, breathtakingly beautiful.

2. The peaks are towering and majestic, a sight of great grandeur.

3. The blue waves ripple, blending seamlessly with the sky.

4. The vast expanse of water is mesmerizing, with captivating scenery.

5. The mountains are clear and the water is beautiful, a pleasant sight.

6. The strange and fantastic peaks and rocks are a testament to nature's artistry.

7. The mist swirls around the mountains, creating a scene like a fairyland.

8. The pines and cypresses are evergreen, full of life.

9. The stream babbles gently, its waters crystal clear.

10. The birds sing, the flowers are fragrant, and the air is fresh.

11. Climbing high and looking far, the mind is broadened and refreshed.

12. Watching the water flow calmly, the mind finds peace and serenity.

13. The mountains and water complement each other, enhancing their beauty.

14. Thousands of mountains stretch out like an endless sea, a magnificent sight.

15. The road winds through the mountains, revealing new and beautiful sights.

16. Ancient trees reach towards the sky, forming a dense, verdant canopy.

17. The mountains are high and the water flows endlessly, reflecting the harmony between nature and humanity.

18. Running water never becomes stagnant, just as hinges that are used frequently don't rot.

19. The scenery is boundless, inspiring awe and admiration.

20. The hazy mountain scenery evokes a profound and distant feeling.

21. The beautiful scenery is intoxicating, captivating the senses.

22. The grand and magnificent scenery is awe-inspiring.

23. The wonders created by nature are truly amazing.

24. The mountains and water reflect each other, enhancing their beauty.

25. The beauty is overwhelming, making one reluctant to leave.

26. The natural landscapes are a testament to nature's artistry.

27. The towering peaks inspire awe and respect.

28. The crystal-clear water is captivating and alluring.

29. The beautiful mountains and rivers are enchanting.

30. The beauty of the lake and mountains is overwhelming.

31. The majestic mountains and vast waters evoke a sense of longing.

32. The scenery is like a painting, captivating the heart and soul.

33. The mountains and water depend on each other, complementing each other.

34. The clear mountains and clean water provide fresh and invigorating air.

35. The mountains are high and the moon appears small; the water recedes and reveals the rocks.

36. The spring breeze caresses the face, and the garden is filled with the scent of flowers.

37. On hot summer days, a cool spring quenches thirst.

38. The autumn air is clear and crisp, with high skies and scattered clouds.

39. Snow falls softly, covering the world in a white blanket.

40. The beautiful mountains and rivers are captivating.

41. The mountains are high and the water flows endlessly, representing long-lasting traditions and heritage.

42. The mountains and rivers are blessed with natural beauty and spiritual energy.

43. The scenery of the mountains and rivers is breathtakingly beautiful.

44. The majestic mountains and vast waters broaden the mind and refresh the soul.

45. The beautiful mountains and rivers provide a pleasant and enjoyable environment.

46. The mountains and rivers are magnificent, inspiring awe and admiration.

47. The clear mountains and clean water provide a beautiful and picturesque landscape.

48. The high mountains and flowing waters represent vastness and grandeur.

49. The vast mountains and rivers are majestic and awe-inspiring.

50. The mountains and rivers are beautiful and majestic, representing a tapestry of natural wonders.

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