
## 厕所冲水句子 (99句)


1. 冲水了!
> Flush it!
2. 冲一下马桶。
> Flush the toilet.
3. 马桶要冲水了。
> The toilet needs to be flushed.
4. 我要冲马桶。
> I'm going to flush the toilet.
5. 冲水的声音真大!
> The toilet flush is so loud!


6. 冲水,让它消失!
> Flush it, make it disappear!
7. 冲水,让它见鬼去吧!
> Flush it, let it go to hell!
8. 冲水,给它一个盛大的告别!
> Flush it, give it a grand farewell!
9. 冲水,让它重回自然!
> Flush it, let it return to nature!
10. 冲水,让它去旅行!
> Flush it, let it go on a trip!


11. 冲水后,感觉真舒服!
> It feels so good after flushing.
12. 冲水的声音让我放松。
> The sound of flushing relaxes me.
13. 冲水后,房间里终于安静了。
> Finally, the room is quiet after flushing.
14. 冲水真是一件解脱的事!
> It's such a relief to flush!
15. 冲水后,我感觉自由了!
> I feel free after flushing!


16. 冲水的声音在寂静的夜里显得格外响亮。
> The sound of flushing was especially loud in the silent night.
17. 冲水声伴随着哗啦啦的水声。
> The sound of flushing was accompanied by the sound of rushing water.
18. 冲水后,水位迅速下降。
> The water level dropped quickly after flushing.
19. 冲水后,马桶发出咕噜咕噜的声音。
> The toilet made a gurgling sound after flushing.
20. 冲水后,马桶里一片干净。
> The toilet was clean after flushing.


21. 马桶堵了,怎么冲水?
> The toilet is clogged, how do I flush it?
22. 马桶冲水不干净怎么办?
> What should I do if the toilet doesn't flush clean?
23. 马桶冲水声音太大怎么办?
> What should I do if the toilet flush is too loud?
24. 马桶冲水频率过高怎么办?
> What should I do if the toilet flushes too frequently?
25. 马桶冲水后漏水怎么办?
> What should I do if the toilet leaks after flushing?


26. 你已经使用过马桶,请记得冲水。
> You have used the toilet, please remember to flush.
27. 请不要忘记冲水。
> Please don't forget to flush.
28. 我忘记冲水了,真是太糟糕了!
> I forgot to flush, that's terrible!
29. 冲水后,请盖上马桶盖。
> Please close the lid after flushing.
30. 冲水,保持卫生!
> Flush it, keep it clean!

31. 冲水,让它回到原点!
> Flush it, let it go back to the source!
32. 冲水,让它回到循环中!
> Flush it, let it go back to the cycle!
33. 冲水,让它重新开始!
> Flush it, let it start over!
34. 冲水,让它回到地球!
> Flush it, let it go back to the earth!
35. 冲水,让它消失不见!
> Flush it, let it disappear!

36. 冲水,让它回到无形之中!
> Flush it, let it return to the invisible!
37. 冲水,让它回到天堂!
> Flush it, let it go back to heaven!
38. 冲水,让它回到深渊!
> Flush it, let it go back to the abyss!
39. 冲水,让它回到过去!
> Flush it, let it go back to the past!
40. 冲水,让它回到未来!
> Flush it, let it go back to the future!

41. 冲水,让它回到梦境!
> Flush it, let it go back to the dream!
42. 冲水,让它回到现实!
> Flush it, let it go back to reality!
43. 冲水,让它回到宇宙!
> Flush it, let it go back to the universe!
44. 冲水,让它回到虚无!
> Flush it, let it go back to nothingness!
45. 冲水,让它回到永恒!
> Flush it, let it go back to eternity!

46. 冲水,让它回到生命!
> Flush it, let it go back to life!
47. 冲水,让它回到死亡!
> Flush it, let it go back to death!
48. 冲水,让它回到光明!
> Flush it, let it go back to light!
49. 冲水,让它回到黑暗!
> Flush it, let it go back to darkness!
50. 冲水,让它回到希望!
> Flush it, let it go back to hope!

51. 冲水,让它回到绝望!
> Flush it, let it go back to despair!
52. 冲水,让它回到爱!
> Flush it, let it go back to love!
53. 冲水,让它回到恨!
> Flush it, let it go back to hate!
54. 冲水,让它回到快乐!
> Flush it, let it go back to happiness!
55. 冲水,让它回到悲伤!
> Flush it, let it go back to sadness!

56. 冲水,让它回到愤怒!
> Flush it, let it go back to anger!
57. 冲水,让它回到恐惧!
> Flush it, let it go back to fear!
58. 冲水,让它回到平静!
> Flush it, let it go back to peace!
59. 冲水,让它回到混乱!
> Flush it, let it go back to chaos!
60. 冲水,让它回到秩序!
> Flush it, let it go back to order!

61. 冲水,让它回到自然规律!
> Flush it, let it go back to the natural order!
62. 冲水,让它回到万物循环!
> Flush it, let it go back to the cycle of all things!
63. 冲水,让它回到生命的起源!
> Flush it, let it go back to the origin of life!
64. 冲水,让它回到宇宙的起点!
> Flush it, let it go back to the beginning of the universe!
65. 冲水,让它回到时间的起点!
> Flush it, let it go back to the beginning of time!

66. 冲水,让它回到过去!
> Flush it, let it go back to the past!
67. 冲水,让它回到未来!
> Flush it, let it go back to the future!
68. 冲水,让它回到梦想!
> Flush it, let it go back to dreams!
69. 冲水,让它回到现实!
> Flush it, let it go back to reality!
70. 冲水,让它回到永恒!
> Flush it, let it go back to eternity!

71. 冲水,让它回到无形!
> Flush it, let it go back to the invisible!
72. 冲水,让它回到真空!
> Flush it, let it go back to the vacuum!
73. 冲水,让它回到深渊!
> Flush it, let it go back to the abyss!
74. 冲水,让它回到天堂!
> Flush it, let it go back to heaven!
75. 冲水,让它回到地狱!
> Flush it, let it go back to hell!

76. 冲水,让它回到虚空!
> Flush it, let it go back to the void!
77. 冲水,让它回到混沌!
> Flush it, let it go back to chaos!
78. 冲水,让它回到平静!
> Flush it, let it go back to peace!
79. 冲水,让它回到自然!
> Flush it, let it go back to nature!
80. 冲水,让它回到生命!
> Flush it, let it go back to life!

81. 冲水,让它回到循环!
> Flush it, let it go back to the cycle!
82. 冲水,让它回到无名!
> Flush it, let it go back to the nameless!
83. 冲水,让它回到无形!
> Flush it, let it go back to the invisible!
84. 冲水,让它回到永恒!
> Flush it, let it go back to eternity!
85. 冲水,让它回到无始无终!
> Flush it, let it go back to the beginningless and endless!

86. 冲水,让它回到宇宙的怀抱!
> Flush it, let it go back to the embrace of the universe!
87. 冲水,让它回到时间的河流!
> Flush it, let it go back to the river of time!
88. 冲水,让它回到生命的源泉!
> Flush it, let it go back to the source of life!
89. 冲水,让它回到万物之源!
> Flush it, let it go back to the source of all things!
90. 冲水,让它回到宇宙的起点!
> Flush it, let it go back to the beginning of the universe!

91. 冲水,让它回到最初的模样!
> Flush it, let it go back to its original state!
92. 冲水,让它回到无忧无虑!
> Flush it, let it go back to carefree!
93. 冲水,让它回到纯净!
> Flush it, let it go back to purity!
94. 冲水,让它回到无瑕!
> Flush it, let it go back to flawless!
95. 冲水,让它回到完美!
> Flush it, let it go back to perfect!

96. 冲水,让它回到原点,重新开始!
> Flush it, let it go back to the starting point, start over!
97. 冲水,让它回到宁静!
> Flush it, let it go back to tranquility!
98. 冲水,让它回到自由!
> Flush it, let it go back to freedom!
99. 冲水,让它回到永恒的循环!
> Flush it, let it go back to the eternal cycle!

## 翻译结果 (带p标签)

1. Flush it!

2. Flush the toilet.

3. The toilet needs to be flushed.

4. I'm going to flush the toilet.

5. The toilet flush is so loud!

6. Flush it, make it disappear!

7. Flush it, let it go to hell!

8. Flush it, give it a grand farewell!

9. Flush it, let it return to nature!

10. Flush it, let it go on a trip!

11. It feels so good after flushing.

12. The sound of flushing relaxes me.

13. Finally, the room is quiet after flushing.

14. It's such a relief to flush!

15. I feel free after flushing!

16. The sound of flushing was especially loud in the silent night.

17. The sound of flushing was accompanied by the sound of rushing water.

18. The water level dropped quickly after flushing.

19. The toilet made a gurgling sound after flushing.

20. The toilet was clean after flushing.

21. The toilet is clogged, how do I flush it?

22. What should I do if the toilet doesn't flush clean?

23. What should I do if the toilet flush is too loud?

24. What should I do if the toilet flushes too frequently?

25. What should I do if the toilet leaks after flushing?

26. You have used the toilet, please remember to flush.

27. Please don't forget to flush.

28. I forgot to flush, that's terrible!

29. Please close the lid after flushing.

30. Flush it, keep it clean!

31. Flush it, let it go back to the source!

32. Flush it, let it go back to the cycle!

33. Flush it, let it start over!

34. Flush it, let it go back to the earth!

35. Flush it, let it disappear!

36. Flush it, let it return to the invisible!

37. Flush it, let it go back to heaven!

38. Flush it, let it go back to the abyss!

39. Flush it, let it go back to the past!

40. Flush it, let it go back to the future!

41. Flush it, let it go back to the dream!

42. Flush it, let it go back to reality!

43. Flush it, let it go back to the universe!

44. Flush it, let it go back to nothingness!

45. Flush it, let it go back to eternity!

46. Flush it, let it go back to life!

47. Flush it, let it go back to death!

48. Flush it, let it go back to light!

49. Flush it, let it go back to darkness!

50. Flush it, let it go back to hope!

51. Flush it, let it go back to despair!

52. Flush it, let it go back to love!

53. Flush it, let it go back to hate!

54. Flush it, let it go back to happiness!

55. Flush it, let it go back to sadness!

56. Flush it, let it go back to anger!

57. Flush it, let it go back to fear!

58. Flush it, let it go back to peace!

59. Flush it, let it go back to chaos!

60. Flush it, let it go back to order!

61. Flush it, let it go back to the natural order!

62. Flush it, let it go back to the cycle of all things!

63. Flush it, let it go back to the origin of life!

64. Flush it, let it go back to the beginning of the universe!

65. Flush it, let it go back to the beginning of time!

66. Flush it, let it go back to the past!

67. Flush it, let it go back to the future!

68. Flush it, let it go back to dreams!

69. Flush it, let it go back to reality!

70. Flush it, let it go back to eternity!

71. Flush it, let it go back to the invisible!

72. Flush it, let it go back to the vacuum!

73. Flush it, let it go back to the abyss!

74. Flush it, let it go back to heaven!

75. Flush it, let it go back to hell!

76. Flush it, let it go back to the void!

77. Flush it, let it go back to chaos!

78. Flush it, let it go back to peace!

79. Flush it, let it go back to nature!

80. Flush it, let it go back to life!

81. Flush it, let it go back to the cycle!

82. Flush it, let it go back to the nameless!

83. Flush it, let it go back to the invisible!

84. Flush it, let it go back to eternity!

85. Flush it, let it go back to the beginningless and endless!

86. Flush it, let it go back to the embrace of the universe!

87. Flush it, let it go back to the river of time!

88. Flush it, let it go back to the source of life!

89. Flush it, let it go back to the source of all things!

90. Flush it, let it go back to the beginning of the universe!

91. Flush it, let it go back to its original state!

92. Flush it, let it go back to carefree!

93. Flush it, let it go back to purity!

94. Flush it, let it go back to flawless!

95. Flush it, let it go back to perfect!

96. Flush it, let it go back to the starting point, start over!

97. Flush it, let it go back to tranquility!

98. Flush it, let it go back to freedom!

99. Flush it, let it go back to the eternal cycle!

以上就是关于厕所冲水句子99句(厕所冲水句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
