
## 劳心费神句子 (81句)

**1. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**2. 操碎了心**

cāo suì le xīn

To be worn out with worry.

**3. 费尽心机**

fèi jìn xīn jī

To rack one's brains, to expend great effort in planning.

**4. 心神不宁**

xīn shén bù níng

Restless, uneasy in mind.

**5. 心烦意乱**

xīn fán yì luàn

To be agitated and confused.

**6. 忧心忡忡**

yōu xīn chōng chōng

To be filled with anxiety and worry.

**7. 心事重重**

xīn shì zhòng zhòng

To have many worries on one's mind.

**8. 牵肠挂肚**

qiān cháng guà dù

To be worried sick, to be constantly on one's mind.

**9. 焦虑不安**

jiāo lǜ bù ān

Anxious and restless.

**10. 坐立不安**

zuò lì bù ān

To be unable to sit still, to be restless.

**11. 忐忑不安**

tǎn tè bù ān

To be nervous and apprehensive.

**12. 心惊肉跳**

xīn jīng ròu tiào

To be terrified, to be filled with fear.

**13. 胆战心惊**

dǎn zhàn xīn jīng

To be trembling with fear.

**14. 惊慌失措**

jīng huāng shī cuò

To be panicked and at a loss for what to do.

**15. 忧心如焚**

yōu xīn rú fén

To be consumed with worry.

**16. 寝食不安**

qǐn shí bù ān

To be unable to sleep or eat due to worry.

**17. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**18. 劳碌奔波**

láo lù bēn bō

To toil and travel, to work hard and constantly be on the move.

**19. 奔波劳碌**

bēn bō láo lù

To toil and travel, to work hard and constantly be on the move.

**20. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**21. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**22. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**23. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**24. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**25. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**26. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**27. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**28. 劳心费神**

láo xīn fèi shén

To exert one's mind and spirit, to be mentally and emotionally drained.

**29. 操心费力**

cāo xīn fèi lì

To worry and exert oneself, to put in a lot of effort.

**30. 费尽心机**

fèi jìn xīn jī

To rack one's brains, to expend great effort in planning.

**31. 劳神费力**

láo shén fèi lì

To exert one's mind and strength, to expend great effort.

**32. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**33. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**34. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**35. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**36. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**37. 劳心劳力**

láo xīn láo lì

To exert one's mind and strength, to work hard both physically and mentally.

**38. 操心劳神**

cāo xīn láo shén

To worry and exert oneself mentally, to be constantly on edge.

**39. 费心费力**

fèi xīn fèi lì

To put in a lot of effort, to expend both mental and physical energy.

**40. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**41. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**42. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**43. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**44. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**45. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**46. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**47. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**48. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**49. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**50. 劳心费神**

láo xīn fèi shén

To exert one's mind and spirit, to be mentally and emotionally drained.

**51. 操心费力**

cāo xīn fèi lì

To worry and exert oneself, to put in a lot of effort.

**52. 费尽心机**

fèi jìn xīn jī

To rack one's brains, to expend great effort in planning.

**53. 劳神费力**

láo shén fèi lì

To exert one's mind and strength, to expend great effort.

**54. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**55. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**56. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**57. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**58. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**59. 劳心劳力**

láo xīn láo lì

To exert one's mind and strength, to work hard both physically and mentally.

**60. 操心劳神**

cāo xīn láo shén

To worry and exert oneself mentally, to be constantly on edge.

**61. 费心费力**

fèi xīn fèi lì

To put in a lot of effort, to expend both mental and physical energy.

**62. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**63. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**64. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**65. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**66. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**67. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**68. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**69. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**70. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**71. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**72. 劳心费神**

láo xīn fèi shén

To exert one's mind and spirit, to be mentally and emotionally drained.

**73. 操心费力**

cāo xīn fèi lì

To worry and exert oneself, to put in a lot of effort.

**74. 费尽心机**

fèi jìn xīn jī

To rack one's brains, to expend great effort in planning.

**75. 劳神费力**

láo shén fèi lì

To exert one's mind and strength, to expend great effort.

**76. 心力交瘁**

xīn lì jiāo cuì

Completely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

**77. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**78. 筋疲力尽**

jīn pí lì jìn

To be completely exhausted, to have no strength left.

**79. 精疲力竭**

jīng pí lì jié

Exhausted, drained of energy.

**80. 疲惫不堪**

pí bèi bù kān

Exhausted, weary.

**81. 劳心费神**

láo xīn fèi shén

To exert one's mind and spirit, to be mentally and emotionally drained.

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