
## 农耕种养句子,57句,英文翻译及HTML标签

**1. 耕耘田地,播种希望。**

Till the soil, sow hope.

**2. 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽。**

One grain of seed sown in spring, yields ten thousand grains in autumn.

**3. 粒粒辛苦,粒粒汗水。**

Each grain is earned with hardship and sweat.

**4. 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。**

Weeding at noon, sweat drips onto the soil beneath the rice plants.

**5. 汗水浇灌,收获喜悦。**

Sweat irrigates, harvest brings joy.

**6. 勤劳耕作,丰收在望。**

Diligent farming, a bountiful harvest is in sight.

**7. 风调雨顺,五谷丰登。**

Favorable weather and rain, abundant harvests of all grains.

**8. 农民伯伯,辛苦了!**

Farmers, you have worked hard!

**9. 丰收的喜悦,来自辛勤的耕耘。**

The joy of a bountiful harvest comes from diligent farming.

**10. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。**

You reap what you sow.

**11. 日出而作,日落而息。**

Toil from sunrise to sunset.

**12. 一粥一饭,当思来之不易。**

Every grain of rice and every sip of soup should be appreciated.

**13. 养育万物,生生不息。**

To nurture all things, a continuous cycle of life.

**14. 春风拂面,万物欣荣。**

Spring breeze caresses the face, all things thrive.

**15. 绿树成荫,鸟语花香。**

Trees provide shade, birds sing and flowers bloom.

**16. 田园风光,美不胜收。**

The scenery of the countryside is breathtaking.

**17. 瓜果飘香,满园皆春。**

Melons and fruits fill the air with fragrance, spring is everywhere in the garden.

**18. 牛耕田野,壮观无比。**

Oxen plowing the fields, a majestic sight.

**19. 鸡鸣犬吠,乡村生活。**

The sound of roosters crowing and dogs barking, rural life.

**20. 秋高气爽,果实累累。**

Clear autumn skies, fruits laden on the branches.

**21. 金秋时节,硕果累累。**

Golden autumn, abundant fruits.

**22. 丰收的喜悦,洋溢在每个人的脸上。**

The joy of harvest radiates on everyone's face.

**23. 农民伯伯,辛勤耕耘,为我们提供丰盛的餐桌。**

Farmers work tirelessly to provide us with abundant food on our tables.

**24. 珍惜粮食,尊重劳动。**

Cherish food, respect labor.

**25. 从田间地头到餐桌,每一步都来之不易。**

From the field to the table, every step is hard-earned.

**26. 种一棵树,收获一片森林。**

Plant a tree, reap a forest.

**27. 种下希望,收获幸福。**

Sow hope, reap happiness.

**28. 播种善良,收获友谊。**

Sow kindness, reap friendship.

**29. 心怀感恩,珍惜拥有。**

Be grateful, cherish what you have.

**30. 自然馈赠,我们应善加利用。**

We should make good use of nature's gifts.

**31. 保护环境,人人有责。**

Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility.

**32. 生态农业,绿色发展。**

Ecological agriculture, green development.

**33. 循环农业,可持续发展。**

Circular agriculture, sustainable development.

**34. 科技助力农业,提升效率。**

Technology aids agriculture, increasing efficiency.

**35. 精准农业,科学管理。**

Precision agriculture, scientific management.

**36. 现代农业,科技先行。**

Modern agriculture, technology leads the way.

**37. 农业发展,惠及民生。**

Agricultural development benefits people's livelihood.

**38. 乡村振兴,农业先行。**

Rural revitalization, agriculture takes the lead.

**39. 美丽乡村,生态宜居。**

Beautiful countryside, ecological and habitable.

**40. 农业现代化,乡村振兴的基石。**

Agricultural modernization is the cornerstone of rural revitalization.

**41. 种养结合,循环利用。**

Combining planting and breeding, recycling resources.

**42. 农牧结合,互利共赢。**

Combining agriculture and animal husbandry, mutual benefit.

**43. 稻田养鱼,一举两得。**

Raising fish in rice paddies, a win-win situation.

**44. 秸秆还田,循环利用。**

Returning straw to the field, recycling resources.

**45. 有机农业,绿色环保。**

Organic agriculture, green and environmentally friendly.

**46. 绿色食品,安全健康。**

Green food, safe and healthy.

**47. 农业科技创新,推动农业发展。**

Agricultural technology innovation drives agricultural development.

**48. 农业产业融合,促进乡村发展。**

Integration of agricultural industries, promoting rural development.

**49. 农产品品牌建设,提升市场竞争力。**

Brand building for agricultural products, enhancing market competitiveness.

**50. 农业市场营销,拓展销售渠道。**

Agricultural marketing, expanding sales channels.

**51. 农民增收,农业发展。**

Farmers' income increase, agricultural development.

**52. 乡村旅游,带动农业发展。**

Rural tourism, driving agricultural development.

**53. 农耕文化传承,乡村振兴的灵魂。**

Inheriting agricultural culture, the soul of rural revitalization.

**54. 田园生活,诗情画意。**

Pastoral life, poetic and picturesque.

**55. 返璞归真,回归自然。**

Returning to simplicity, back to nature.

**56. 农业是人类文明的根基。**

Agriculture is the foundation of human civilization.

**57. 让农耕文化,代代传承。**

Let agricultural culture be passed down from generation to generation.

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