
## 青瓷原著句子,85句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签

**1. 他坐在那里,像一座沉默的山,冷峻的面容上,布满岁月的痕迹。**

He sat there, like a silent mountain, his stern face etched with the lines of time.

**2. 她站在夕阳下,金色的光芒洒在她身上,仿佛镀上了一层金色的光晕。**

She stood in the setting sun, bathed in a golden glow that seemed to halo her.

**3. 雨水淅淅沥沥地下着,打在窗户上,发出清脆的响声,像是有人在轻轻敲击着玻璃。**

The rain fell steadily, drumming a soft rhythm against the windowpanes, like someone gently tapping on the glass.

**4. 他微微一笑,笑容里带着一丝苦涩,像是苦瓜里浸了蜜糖,甜中带苦。**

He smiled slightly, a hint of bitterness in his smile, like honey in a bitter gourd, sweet with a touch of acridity.

**5. 风轻轻地吹过,吹动着窗帘,仿佛在轻轻地呢喃着什么。**

A gentle breeze blew through, rustling the curtains as if whispering a secret.

**6. 他的眼睛里,仿佛闪烁着无数颗星星,那是希望的光芒,也是梦想的光芒。**

His eyes seemed to twinkle with countless stars, the light of hope and dreams.

**7. 他沉默不语,只是静静地看着她,眼神里充满了深邃的含义。**

He remained silent, simply watching her with eyes full of profound meaning.

**8. 他的脚步声在走廊里回荡着,如同一个孤独的行者,在寻找着回家的路。**

His footsteps echoed in the hallway, like a solitary traveler searching for the way home.

**9. 她轻轻地叹了口气,仿佛将所有的悲伤都融入了这声叹息之中。**

She sighed softly, as if merging all her sadness into that sigh.

**10. 他站在窗边,望着远处的风景,眼神里充满了迷茫和失落。**

He stood by the window, gazing at the distant landscape, his eyes filled with confusion and loss.

**11. 夜幕降临,城市被灯光点缀得如同繁星点点,散发着迷人的光彩。**

Nightfall descended, the city ablaze with lights, shimmering like a million stars.

**12. 他紧紧地握着她的手,仿佛想要抓住些什么,却又无能为力。**

He held her hand tightly, as if trying to grasp something, yet powerless to do so.

**13. 她眼角的泪水滑落下来,像是断了线的珍珠,一颗一颗地落在她的脸颊上。**

Tears streamed down her cheeks, like pearls broken from their string, falling one by one onto her face.

**14. 他的声音低沉而沙哑,像是被岁月的风霜打磨过,充满了沧桑感。**

His voice was low and raspy, as if weathered by time, full of the feeling of a life lived.

**15. 他沉默寡言,却总能用眼神传递出他的内心世界。**

He was a man of few words, yet his eyes always conveyed the depths of his soul.

**16. 她轻轻地哼着歌,歌声仿佛是从她心底流淌出来的,带着一丝淡淡的忧伤。**

She hummed a soft melody, the tune flowing from her heart, tinged with a hint of melancholy.

**17. 他站在雨中,任凭雨水拍打在他的脸上,仿佛在用雨水洗刷着心中的尘埃。**

He stood in the rain, letting it wash over his face, as if using the rain to cleanse the dust from his soul.

**18. 他静静地坐在那里,仿佛在等待着什么,却又不知道在等待着什么。**

He sat there quietly, as if waiting for something, yet unsure what he was waiting for.

**19. 她轻轻地抚摸着他的脸,眼神里充满了怜爱和心疼。**

She gently stroked his face, her eyes filled with love and concern.

**20. 他深深地吸了一口气,仿佛想要将所有的一切都吸进肺里,却又无能为力。**

He took a deep breath, as if trying to inhale everything, yet powerless to do so.

**21. 他独自一人走在街上,周围的喧嚣与他无关,仿佛他只是这城市中的一抹影子。**

He walked alone on the street, the surrounding noise irrelevant to him, as if he were just a shadow in this city.

**22. 她眼神中的光芒,仿佛被黑暗吞噬,只剩下空洞的黑暗。**

The light in her eyes seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, leaving only an empty void.

**23. 他紧紧地闭着眼睛,仿佛在躲避着什么,却又无法逃脱。**

He closed his eyes tightly, as if trying to shield himself from something, yet unable to escape it.

**24. 他沉默不语,但他的眼神却充满了坚定和自信。**

He remained silent, yet his eyes were full of determination and confidence.

**25. 她轻轻地笑了,笑容里带着一丝狡黠,仿佛藏着什么秘密。**

She smiled softly, a hint of mischief in her smile, as if hiding some secret.

**26. 他站在那里,像是一座雕像,一动不动,仿佛被时间凝固了。**

He stood there, like a statue, unmoving, frozen in time.

**27. 他的声音里,带着一丝无奈和悲哀,像是被命运捉弄了。**

There was a hint of resignation and sadness in his voice, as if he had been played by fate.

**28. 他轻轻地摇了摇头,仿佛将所有的烦恼都甩掉了。**

He shook his head gently, as if shaking off all his worries.

**29. 她站在窗边,望着远处的风景,眼神里充满了憧憬和期待。**

She stood by the window, gazing at the distant landscape, her eyes filled with hope and anticipation.

**30. 他轻轻地拍着她的肩膀,仿佛在安慰她,又仿佛在鼓励她。**

He gently patted her shoulder, as if comforting her, or perhaps encouraging her.

**31. 他紧紧地握着拳头,仿佛要将所有的愤怒都释放出来。**

He clenched his fist tightly, as if ready to unleash all his anger.

**32. 她轻轻地哼着歌,歌声仿佛是从她心底流淌出来的,带着一丝淡淡的忧伤。**

She hummed a soft melody, the tune flowing from her heart, tinged with a hint of melancholy.

**33. 他站在雨中,任凭雨水拍打在他的脸上,仿佛在用雨水洗刷着心中的尘埃。**

He stood in the rain, letting it wash over his face, as if using the rain to cleanse the dust from his soul.

**34. 他静静地坐在那里,仿佛在等待着什么,却又不知道在等待着什么。**

He sat there quietly, as if waiting for something, yet unsure what he was waiting for.

**35. 她轻轻地抚摸着他的脸,眼神里充满了怜爱和心疼。**

She gently stroked his face, her eyes filled with love and concern.

**36. 他深深地吸了一口气,仿佛想要将所有的一切都吸进肺里,却又无能为力。**

He took a deep breath, as if trying to inhale everything, yet powerless to do so.

**37. 他独自一人走在街上,周围的喧嚣与他无关,仿佛他只是这城市中的一抹影子。**

He walked alone on the street, the surrounding noise irrelevant to him, as if he were just a shadow in this city.

**38. 她眼神中的光芒,仿佛被黑暗吞噬,只剩下空洞的黑暗。**

The light in her eyes seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, leaving only an empty void.

**39. 他紧紧地闭着眼睛,仿佛在躲避着什么,却又无法逃脱。**

He closed his eyes tightly, as if trying to shield himself from something, yet unable to escape it.

**40. 他沉默不语,但他的眼神却充满了坚定和自信。**

He remained silent, yet his eyes were full of determination and confidence.

**41. 她轻轻地笑了,笑容里带着一丝狡黠,仿佛藏着什么秘密。**

She smiled softly, a hint of mischief in her smile, as if hiding some secret.

**42. 他站在那里,像是一座雕像,一动不动,仿佛被时间凝固了。**

He stood there, like a statue, unmoving, frozen in time.

**43. 他的声音里,带着一丝无奈和悲哀,像是被命运捉弄了。**

There was a hint of resignation and sadness in his voice, as if he had been played by fate.

**44. 他轻轻地摇了摇头,仿佛将所有的烦恼都甩掉了。**

He shook his head gently, as if shaking off all his worries.

**45. 她站在窗边,望着远处的风景,眼神里充满了憧憬和期待。**

She stood by the window, gazing at the distant landscape, her eyes filled with hope and anticipation.

**46. 他轻轻地拍着她的肩膀,仿佛在安慰她,又仿佛在鼓励她。**

He gently patted her shoulder, as if comforting her, or perhaps encouraging her.

**47. 他紧紧地握着拳头,仿佛要将所有的愤怒都释放出来。**

He clenched his fist tightly, as if ready to unleash all his anger.

**48. 她轻轻地哼着歌,歌声仿佛是从她心底流淌出来的,带着一丝淡淡的忧伤。**

She hummed a soft melody, the tune flowing from her heart, tinged with a hint of melancholy.

**49. 他站在雨中,任凭雨水拍打在他的脸上,仿佛在用雨水洗刷着心中的尘埃。**

He stood in the rain, letting it wash over his face, as if using the rain to cleanse the dust from his soul.

**50. 他静静地坐在那里,仿佛在等待着什么,却又不知道在等待着什么。**

He sat there quietly, as if waiting for something, yet unsure what he was waiting for.

**51. 她轻轻地抚摸着他的脸,眼神里充满了怜爱和心疼。**

She gently stroked his face, her eyes filled with love and concern.

**52. 他深深地吸了一口气,仿佛想要将所有的一切都吸进肺里,却又无能为力。**

He took a deep breath, as if trying to inhale everything, yet powerless to do so.

**53. 他独自一人走在街上,周围的喧嚣与他无关,仿佛他只是这城市中的一抹影子。**

He walked alone on the street, the surrounding noise irrelevant to him, as if he were just a shadow in this city.

**54. 她眼神中的光芒,仿佛被黑暗吞噬,只剩下空洞的黑暗。**

The light in her eyes seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, leaving only an empty void.

**55. 他紧紧地闭着眼睛,仿佛在躲避着什么,却又无法逃脱。**

He closed his eyes tightly, as if trying to shield himself from something, yet unable to escape it.

**56. 他沉默不语,但他的眼神却充满了坚定和自信。**

He remained silent, yet his eyes were full of determination and confidence.

**57. 她轻轻地笑了,笑容里带着一丝狡黠,仿佛藏着什么秘密。**

She smiled softly, a hint of mischief in her smile, as if hiding some secret.

**58. 他站在那里,像是一座雕像,一动不动,仿佛被时间凝固了。**

He stood there, like a statue, unmoving, frozen in time.

**59. 他的声音里,带着一丝无奈和悲哀,像是被命运捉弄了。**

There was a hint of resignation and sadness in his voice, as if he had been played by fate.

**60. 他轻轻地摇了摇头,仿佛将所有的烦恼都甩掉了。**

He shook his head gently, as if shaking off all his worries.

**61. 她站在窗边,望着远处的风景,眼神里充满了憧憬和期待。**

She stood by the window, gazing at the distant landscape, her eyes filled with hope and anticipation.

**62. 他轻轻地拍着她的肩膀,仿佛在安慰她,又仿佛在鼓励她。**

He gently patted her shoulder, as if comforting her, or perhaps encouraging her.

**63. 他紧紧地握着拳头,仿佛要将所有的愤怒都释放出来。**

He clenched his fist tightly, as if ready to unleash all his anger.

**64. 她轻轻地哼着歌,歌声仿佛是从她心底流淌出来的,带着一丝淡淡的忧伤。**

She hummed a soft melody, the tune flowing from her heart, tinged with a hint of melancholy.

**65. 他站在雨中,任凭雨水拍打在他的脸上,仿佛在用雨水洗刷着心中的尘埃。**

He stood in the rain, letting it wash over his face, as if using the rain to cleanse the dust from his soul.

**66. 他静静地坐在那里,仿佛在等待着什么,却又不知道在等待着什么。**

He sat there quietly, as if waiting for something, yet unsure what he was waiting for.

**67. 她轻轻地抚摸着他的脸,眼神里充满了怜爱和心疼。**

She gently stroked his face, her eyes filled with love and concern.

**68. 他深深地吸了一口气,仿佛想要将所有的一切都吸进肺里,却又无能为力。**

He took a deep breath, as if trying to inhale everything, yet powerless to do so.

**69. 他独自一人走在街上,周围的喧嚣与他无关,仿佛他只是这城市中的一抹影子。**

He walked alone on the street, the surrounding noise irrelevant to him, as if he were just a shadow in this city.

**70. 她眼神中的光芒,仿佛被黑暗吞噬,只剩下空洞的黑暗。**

The light in her eyes seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, leaving only an empty void.

**71. 他紧紧地闭着眼睛,仿佛在躲避着什么,却又无法逃脱。**

He closed his eyes tightly, as if trying to shield himself from something, yet unable to escape it.

**72. 他沉默不语,但他的眼神却充满了坚定和自信。**

He remained silent, yet his eyes were full of determination and confidence.

**73. 她轻轻地笑了,笑容里带着一丝狡黠,仿佛藏着什么秘密。**

She smiled softly, a hint of mischief in her smile, as if hiding some secret.

**74. 他站在那里,像是一座雕像,一动不动,仿佛被时间凝固了。**

He stood there, like a statue, unmoving, frozen in time.

**75. 他的声音里,带着一丝无奈和悲哀,像是被命运捉弄了。**

There was a hint of resignation and sadness in his voice, as if he had been played by fate.

**76. 他轻轻地摇了摇头,仿佛将所有的烦恼都甩掉了。**

He shook his head gently, as if shaking off all his worries.

**77. 她站在窗边,望着远处的风景,眼神里充满了憧憬和期待。**

She stood by the window, gazing at the distant landscape, her eyes filled with hope and anticipation.

**78. 他轻轻地拍着她的肩膀,仿佛在安慰她,又仿佛在鼓励她。**

He gently patted her shoulder, as if comforting her, or perhaps encouraging her.

**79. 他紧紧地握着拳头,仿佛要将所有的愤怒都释放出来。**

He clenched his fist tightly, as if ready to unleash all his anger.

**80. 她轻轻地哼着歌,歌声仿佛是从她心底流淌出来的,带着一丝淡淡的忧伤。**

She hummed a soft melody, the tune flowing from her heart, tinged with a hint of melancholy.

**81. 他站在雨中,任凭雨水拍打在他的脸上,仿佛在用雨水洗刷着心中的尘埃。**

He stood in the rain, letting it wash over his face, as if using the rain to cleanse the dust from his soul.

**82. 他静静地坐在那里,仿佛在等待着什么,却又不知道在等待着什么。**

He sat there quietly, as if waiting for something, yet unsure what he was waiting for.

**83. 她轻轻地抚摸着他的脸,眼神里充满了怜爱和心疼。**

She gently stroked his face, her eyes filled with love and concern.

**84. 他深深地吸了一口气,仿佛想要将所有的一切都吸进肺里,却又无能为力。**

He took a deep breath, as if trying to inhale everything, yet powerless to do so.

**85. 他独自一人走在街上,周围的喧嚣与他无关,仿佛他只是这城市中的一抹影子。**

He walked alone on the street, the surrounding noise irrelevant to him, as if he were just a shadow in this city.

以上就是关于青瓷原著句子85句(青瓷原著句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
