
## 迎接同事上班句子 (83 句)


1. 早上好!

Good morning!

2. 早安!

Good morning!

3. 早上好,[同事姓名]!

Good morning, [colleague's name]!

4. 早上好,今天过得怎么样?

Good morning, how are you today?

5. 你好!


6. 嗨,[同事姓名]!

Hi, [colleague's name]!

7. 今天早上精神不错!

You look good this morning!

8. 你今天穿得真漂亮!

You look great today!

9. 工作顺利吗?

How's work going?

10. 今天有什么计划吗?

What are your plans for today?

11. 早上好,[同事姓名],今天有什么安排吗?

Good morning, [colleague's name], what's on your agenda today?

12. 今天感觉怎么样?

How are you feeling today?

13. 今天早上心情如何?

How's your morning going?

14. 好久不见!

Long time no see!


15. 欢迎回来!

Welcome back!

16. 很高兴又见到你!

It's great to see you again!

17. 欢迎回来上班!

Welcome back to work!

18. 今天终于见到你了!

It's so good to see you today!


19. 昨晚睡得好吗?

Did you sleep well last night?

20. 你没事吧?看起来有点疲惫。

Are you alright? You look a bit tired.

21. 今天感觉还好吗?

How are you feeling today?

22. 出差回来感觉怎么样?

How was your trip?

23. 最近还好吗?

How have you been?

24. 有什么需要我帮忙的吗?

Is there anything I can help you with?

25. 需要点咖啡吗?

Do you need some coffee?

26. 需要点零食吗?

Do you need a snack?

27. 你今天看起来很精神!

You seem full of energy today!

28. 最近有什么事想让我帮忙的吗?

Is there anything you need help with these days?


29. 今天有什么工作安排吗?

Do you have anything on your plate today?

30. 今天有什么计划吗?

What are your plans for today?

31. 你今天有什么任务需要完成吗?

What tasks do you have to complete today?

32. 需要我帮忙处理什么吗?

Do you need any help with anything?

33. 我们今天需要完成什么项目?

What projects do we need to work on today?

34. 我们今天要开会吗?

Are we having any meetings today?

35. 我们今天有新的项目吗?

Do we have any new projects today?

36. 我们今天有截止日期吗?

Do we have any deadlines today?

37. 今天看起来很忙碌!

Looks like a busy day today!

38. 我们一起加油吧!

Let's get to work!

39. 我们今天要一起完成多少任务?

How many tasks do we have to complete today?

40. 我们今天有什么新的进展吗?

What new progress do we have today?

41. 我们今天要讨论什么话题?

What topics are we discussing today?

42. 我们今天需要集中精力做些什么?

What do we need to focus on today?


43. 你今天看起来像睡过头了!

You look like you slept in today!

44. 今天又是新的一天!

It's a new day!

45. 今天感觉怎么样?

How's it going?

46. 今天有什么新鲜事吗?

What's new?

47. 今天早上有什么有趣的事情发生吗?

Anything interesting happen this morning?

48. 今天要开始工作了,别偷懒哦!

Time to get to work, no slacking off!

49. 今天精神不错,要开始工作了!

Feeling good today, let's get to work!

50. 我们今天要一起完成多少任务?

How many tasks are we going to conquer today?

51. 你今天看起来很有干劲!

You look so motivated today!


52. 今天天气真好!

The weather is beautiful today!

53. 今天的天气真不错!

What a lovely day!

54. 今天天气很冷,注意保暖!

It's cold today, make sure to stay warm!

55. 今天天气真热!

It's so hot today!

56. 希望今天不要下雨!

I hope it doesn't rain today!


57. 今天心情怎么样?

How's your mood today?

58. 今天心情不错!

I'm in a good mood today!

59. 希望今天能过得愉快!

I hope you have a great day!

60. 今天要保持积极的心态!

Stay positive today!


61. 周末过得怎么样?

How was your weekend?

62. 周末愉快吗?

Did you have a good weekend?

63. 周末做了什么有趣的事吗?

Did you do anything fun this weekend?

64. 周末过得怎么样?有什么事想分享吗?

How was your weekend? Anything you want to share?

65. 周末去哪里玩了?

Where did you go this weekend?


66. 这个星期有什么计划吗?

Any plans for this week?

67. 下个周末有什么计划吗?

What are your plans for next weekend?

68. 我们下周要做什么?

What are we doing next week?


69. 最近过得怎么样?

How's life going?

70. 最近有什么新鲜事吗?

What's new in your life?

71. 最近在忙什么?

What are you working on these days?

72. 有什么想跟我们分享的吗?

Anything you want to share with us?


73. 今天感觉怎么样?

How are you feeling today?

74. 今天过得怎么样?

How is your day going?

75. 你看起来很棒!

You look great!

76. 今天有什么事想聊聊吗?

Anything you want to talk about today?

77. 今天早上看起来很不错!

You look good this morning!

78. 你今天看起来很精神!

You look full of energy today!

79. 我希望今天你过得愉快!

I hope you have a great day!

80. 今天也要加油!

Keep up the good work!

81. 我今天很期待和你一起工作!

I'm looking forward to working with you today!

82. 希望你今天能有一个美好的开始!

I hope you have a great start to your day!

83. 我们一起努力工作吧!

Let's work hard together!

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