
## 对闺蜜说对不起的句子 (94句)

1. 真的对不起,是我太冲动了,说了一些不该说的话,伤害了你,真的很抱歉。

2. 我知道我最近总是惹你生气,我真的没有恶意,只是我表达方式有问题,希望你能原谅我。

3. 我知道我做错了,我向你道歉,希望你能接受我的歉意。

4. 我真的好后悔,不应该那样对你,希望你能原谅我,我以后会注意的。

5. 我真的很在乎你,所以才会这样,我不是故意的,请你原谅我吧。

6. 我知道我犯了错误,我愿意接受任何惩罚,只求你能够原谅我。

7. 我错了,真的错了,我以后再也不犯同样的错误了。

8. 我知道我的错误,我会改的,希望你能给我一个机会。

9. 对不起,是我不好,让你伤心了,我以后会更注意自己的言行。

10. 我知道我错了,我以后会更加珍惜我们之间的友谊,不会再犯同样的错误了。

11. 我真的很后悔,不应该那样说你,希望你能原谅我,我以后会更尊重你。

12. 我知道我错了,我以后会更细心,更体贴,不会再让你生气了。

13. 对不起,是我不够成熟,说话做事不够考虑,让你不开心了。

14. 我知道我做错了,我愿意承担所有的后果,只求你能够原谅我。

15. 我真的很在乎你,希望你能够原谅我,我以后会更珍惜我们之间的友谊。

16. 对不起,我错了,我以后会努力做一个更好的人,不会再让你失望了。

17. 我知道我做错了,我会用实际行动来弥补我的过错,希望你能原谅我。

18. 对不起,是我太任性了,没有考虑你的感受,让你伤心了。

19. 我知道我错了,我以后会更珍惜我们的友谊,不会再犯同样的错误了。

20. 我真的很想念你,希望你能原谅我,我们还能像以前一样好。

21. 对不起,是我太固执了,没有听你的建议,让你失望了。

22. 我知道我错了,我以后会更认真地倾听你的意见,不会再让你生气了。

23. 对不起,是我太粗心了,没有注意到你的感受,让你伤心了。

24. 我知道我错了,我以后会更细心,更体贴,不会再让你伤心了。

25. 对不起,是我太自私了,只顾着自己的感受,没有考虑你的感受。

26. 我知道我错了,我以后会更顾及你的感受,不会再让你伤心了。

27. 对不起,是我太敏感了,误会了你,让你生气了。

28. 我知道我错了,我以后会更理性地思考问题,不会再误会你了。

29. 对不起,是我太爱面子了,没有及时承认错误,让你生气了。

30. 我知道我错了,我以后会更坦诚地面对问题,不会再让你生气了。

31. 对不起,是我太害怕失去你,所以才会这样,希望你能原谅我。

32. 我知道我错了,我以后会更珍惜你,不会再让你伤心了。

33. 对不起,是我太笨了,没有理解你的意思,让你生气了。

34. 我知道我错了,我以后会更用心去理解你,不会再让你生气了。

35. 对不起,是我太固执了,没有采纳你的建议,让你失望了。

36. 我知道我错了,我以后会更虚心地接受你的建议,不会再让你失望了。

37. 对不起,是我太粗心了,没有注意到你的变化,让你伤心了。

38. 我知道我错了,我以后会更细心地观察你,不会再让你伤心了。

39. 对不起,是我太自私了,没有顾及你的感受,让你伤心了。

40. 我知道我错了,我以后会更顾及你的感受,不会再让你伤心了。

41. 对不起,是我太敏感了,误会了你,让你生气了。

42. 我知道我错了,我以后会更理性地思考问题,不会再误会你了。

43. 对不起,是我太爱面子了,没有及时承认错误,让你生气了。

44. 我知道我错了,我以后会更坦诚地面对问题,不会再让你生气了。

45. 对不起,是我太害怕失去你,所以才会这样,希望你能原谅我。

46. 我知道我错了,我以后会更珍惜你,不会再让你伤心了。

47. 对不起,是我太笨了,没有理解你的意思,让你生气了。

48. 我知道我错了,我以后会更用心去理解你,不会再让你生气了。

49. 对不起,是我太固执了,没有采纳你的建议,让你失望了。

50. 我知道我错了,我以后会更虚心地接受你的建议,不会再让你失望了。

51. 对不起,是我太粗心了,没有注意到你的变化,让你伤心了。

52. 我知道我错了,我以后会更细心地观察你,不会再让你伤心了。

53. 对不起,是我太自私了,没有顾及你的感受,让你伤心了。

54. 我知道我错了,我以后会更顾及你的感受,不会再让你伤心了。

55. 对不起,是我太敏感了,误会了你,让你生气了。

56. 我知道我错了,我以后会更理性地思考问题,不会再误会你了。

57. 对不起,是我太爱面子了,没有及时承认错误,让你生气了。

58. 我知道我错了,我以后会更坦诚地面对问题,不会再让你生气了。

59. 对不起,是我太害怕失去你,所以才会这样,希望你能原谅我。

60. 我知道我错了,我以后会更珍惜你,不会再让你伤心了。

61. 对不起,是我太笨了,没有理解你的意思,让你生气了。

62. 我知道我错了,我以后会更用心去理解你,不会再让你生气了。

63. 对不起,是我太固执了,没有采纳你的建议,让你失望了。

64. 我知道我错了,我以后会更虚心地接受你的建议,不会再让你失望了。

65. 对不起,是我太粗心了,没有注意到你的变化,让你伤心了。

66. 我知道我错了,我以后会更细心地观察你,不会再让你伤心了。

67. 对不起,是我太自私了,没有顾及你的感受,让你伤心了。

68. 我知道我错了,我以后会更顾及你的感受,不会再让你伤心了。

69. 对不起,是我太敏感了,误会了你,让你生气了。

70. 我知道我错了,我以后会更理性地思考问题,不会再误会你了。

71. 对不起,是我太爱面子了,没有及时承认错误,让你生气了。

72. 我知道我错了,我以后会更坦诚地面对问题,不会再让你生气了。

73. 对不起,是我太害怕失去你,所以才会这样,希望你能原谅我。

74. 我知道我错了,我以后会更珍惜你,不会再让你伤心了。

75. 对不起,是我太笨了,没有理解你的意思,让你生气了。

76. 我知道我错了,我以后会更用心去理解你,不会再让你生气了。

77. 对不起,是我太固执了,没有采纳你的建议,让你失望了。

78. 我知道我错了,我以后会更虚心地接受你的建议,不会再让你失望了。

79. 对不起,是我太粗心了,没有注意到你的变化,让你伤心了。

80. 我知道我错了,我以后会更细心地观察你,不会再让你伤心了。

81. 对不起,是我太自私了,没有顾及你的感受,让你伤心了。

82. 我知道我错了,我以后会更顾及你的感受,不会再让你伤心了。

83. 对不起,是我太敏感了,误会了你,让你生气了。

84. 我知道我错了,我以后会更理性地思考问题,不会再误会你了。

85. 对不起,是我太爱面子了,没有及时承认错误,让你生气了。

86. 我知道我错了,我以后会更坦诚地面对问题,不会再让你生气了。

87. 对不起,是我太害怕失去你,所以才会这样,希望你能原谅我。

88. 我知道我错了,我以后会更珍惜你,不会再让你伤心了。

89. 对不起,是我太笨了,没有理解你的意思,让你生气了。

90. 我知道我错了,我以后会更用心去理解你,不会再让你生气了。

91. 对不起,是我太固执了,没有采纳你的建议,让你失望了。

92. 我知道我错了,我以后会更虚心地接受你的建议,不会再让你失望了。

93. 对不起,是我太粗心了,没有注意到你的变化,让你伤心了。

94. 我知道我错了,我以后会更细心地观察你,不会再让你伤心了。

## 英文翻译

1. I am so sorry. I was too impulsive and said some things I shouldn't have, which hurt you. I am truly sorry.

2. I know I've been making you angry lately. I really didn't mean to, it's just that I have problems with expressing myself. I hope you can forgive me.

3. I know I did wrong, and I apologize. I hope you can accept my apology.

4. I really regret it, I shouldn't have treated you like that. I hope you can forgive me, I will pay attention next time.

5. I really care about you, that's why I acted like this. I didn't mean to, please forgive me.

6. I know I made a mistake, and I'm willing to accept any punishment, just please forgive me.

7. I was wrong, really wrong. I won't make the same mistake again.

8. I know my mistake, I will change, please give me a chance.

9. I am sorry, it's my fault, I made you sad. I will pay more attention to my words and actions in the future.

10. I know I was wrong. I will cherish our friendship more in the future, and I will not make the same mistake again.

11. I really regret it, I shouldn't have said that to you. I hope you can forgive me, I will respect you more in the future.

12. I know I was wrong, I will be more careful and considerate in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

13. I am sorry, I am not mature enough, and I didn't think carefully enough about what I said and did, which made you unhappy.

14. I know I did wrong, I am willing to bear all the consequences, just please forgive me.

15. I really care about you, I hope you can forgive me, and I will cherish our friendship more in the future.

16. I am sorry, I was wrong. I will try my best to be a better person in the future, and I will not disappoint you again.

17. I know I did wrong. I will make it up with actions, and I hope you can forgive me.

18. I am sorry, I was too willful, and I didn't consider your feelings, which made you sad.

19. I know I was wrong. I will cherish our friendship more in the future, and I will not make the same mistake again.

20. I really miss you, I hope you can forgive me, and we can be as good as before.

21. I am sorry, I was too stubborn, and I didn't follow your advice, which disappointed you.

22. I know I was wrong. I will listen to your opinion more seriously in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

23. I am sorry, I was too careless, and I didn't notice your feelings, which made you sad.

24. I know I was wrong, I will be more careful and considerate in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

25. I am sorry, I was too selfish, and I only considered my own feelings, not yours.

26. I know I was wrong. I will consider your feelings more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

27. I am sorry, I was too sensitive, and I misunderstood you, which made you angry.

28. I know I was wrong. I will think about things more rationally in the future, and I won't misunderstand you again.

29. I am sorry, I was too concerned about face, and I didn't admit my mistake in time, which made you angry.

30. I know I was wrong. I will face problems more honestly in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

31. I am sorry, I was too afraid of losing you, that's why I acted like this. I hope you can forgive me.

32. I know I was wrong. I will cherish you more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

33. I am sorry, I was too stupid, and I didn't understand what you meant, which made you angry.

34. I know I was wrong. I will put more effort into understanding you in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

35. I am sorry, I was too stubborn, and I didn't take your advice, which disappointed you.

36. I know I was wrong. I will humbly accept your advice in the future, and I won't disappoint you again.

37. I am sorry, I was too careless, and I didn't notice your changes, which made you sad.

38. I know I was wrong. I will observe you more carefully in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

39. I am sorry, I was too selfish, and I didn't consider your feelings, which made you sad.

40. I know I was wrong. I will consider your feelings more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

41. I am sorry, I was too sensitive, and I misunderstood you, which made you angry.

42. I know I was wrong. I will think about things more rationally in the future, and I won't misunderstand you again.

43. I am sorry, I was too concerned about face, and I didn't admit my mistake in time, which made you angry.

44. I know I was wrong. I will face problems more honestly in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

45. I am sorry, I was too afraid of losing you, that's why I acted like this. I hope you can forgive me.

46. I know I was wrong. I will cherish you more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

47. I am sorry, I was too stupid, and I didn't understand what you meant, which made you angry.

48. I know I was wrong. I will put more effort into understanding you in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

49. I am sorry, I was too stubborn, and I didn't take your advice, which disappointed you.

50. I know I was wrong. I will humbly accept your advice in the future, and I won't disappoint you again.

51. I am sorry, I was too careless, and I didn't notice your changes, which made you sad.

52. I know I was wrong. I will observe you more carefully in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

53. I am sorry, I was too selfish, and I didn't consider your feelings, which made you sad.

54. I know I was wrong. I will consider your feelings more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

55. I am sorry, I was too sensitive, and I misunderstood you, which made you angry.

56. I know I was wrong. I will think about things more rationally in the future, and I won't misunderstand you again.

57. I am sorry, I was too concerned about face, and I didn't admit my mistake in time, which made you angry.

58. I know I was wrong. I will face problems more honestly in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

59. I am sorry, I was too afraid of losing you, that's why I acted like this. I hope you can forgive me.

60. I know I was wrong. I will cherish you more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

61. I am sorry, I was too stupid, and I didn't understand what you meant, which made you angry.

62. I know I was wrong. I will put more effort into understanding you in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

63. I am sorry, I was too stubborn, and I didn't take your advice, which disappointed you.

64. I know I was wrong. I will humbly accept your advice in the future, and I won't disappoint you again.

65. I am sorry, I was too careless, and I didn't notice your changes, which made you sad.

66. I know I was wrong. I will observe you more carefully in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

67. I am sorry, I was too selfish, and I didn't consider your feelings, which made you sad.

68. I know I was wrong. I will consider your feelings more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

69. I am sorry, I was too sensitive, and I misunderstood you, which made you angry.

70. I know I was wrong. I will think about things more rationally in the future, and I won't misunderstand you again.

71. I am sorry, I was too concerned about face, and I didn't admit my mistake in time, which made you angry.

72. I know I was wrong. I will face problems more honestly in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

73. I am sorry, I was too afraid of losing you, that's why I acted like this. I hope you can forgive me.

74. I know I was wrong. I will cherish you more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

75. I am sorry, I was too stupid, and I didn't understand what you meant, which made you angry.

76. I know I was wrong. I will put more effort into understanding you in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

77. I am sorry, I was too stubborn, and I didn't take your advice, which disappointed you.

78. I know I was wrong. I will humbly accept your advice in the future, and I won't disappoint you again.

79. I am sorry, I was too careless, and I didn't notice your changes, which made you sad.

80. I know I was wrong. I will observe you more carefully in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

81. I am sorry, I was too selfish, and I didn't consider your feelings, which made you sad.

82. I know I was wrong. I will consider your feelings more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

83. I am sorry, I was too sensitive, and I misunderstood you, which made you angry.

84. I know I was wrong. I will think about things more rationally in the future, and I won't misunderstand you again.

85. I am sorry, I was too concerned about face, and I didn't admit my mistake in time, which made you angry.

86. I know I was wrong. I will face problems more honestly in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

87. I am sorry, I was too afraid of losing you, that's why I acted like this. I hope you can forgive me.

88. I know I was wrong. I will cherish you more in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

89. I am sorry, I was too stupid, and I didn't understand what you meant, which made you angry.

90. I know I was wrong. I will put more effort into understanding you in the future, and I won't make you angry again.

91. I am sorry, I was too stubborn, and I didn't take your advice, which disappointed you.

92. I know I was wrong. I will humbly accept your advice in the future, and I won't disappoint you again.

93. I am sorry, I was too careless, and I didn't notice your changes, which made you sad.

94. I know I was wrong. I will observe you more carefully in the future, and I won't make you sad again.

以上就是关于跟闺蜜说对不起的句子94句(跟闺蜜说对不起的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
