
## 老板让员工心寒的句子(64句)

**英文翻译及 HTML 格式:**

1."你工作这么久,这点工资还嫌少?" /"You've been working here for so long, and you're still complaining about your salary?"

2."公司效益不好,你的工资就别指望涨了。" /"The company isn't doing well, so don't expect a raise."

3."你是新人,要多学习,别抱怨工资低。" /"You're new, so you need to learn more and stop complaining about your low salary."

4."我给你机会,你还不珍惜。" /"I'm giving you an opportunity, and you're not taking advantage of it."

5."工作不满意就辞职,没人逼着你留着。" /"If you're not satisfied with the job, then quit. No one is forcing you to stay."

6."你以为工资是天上掉下来的吗?" /"Do you think your salary is just going to fall from the sky?"

7."你工作效率太低了,跟不上公司的节奏。" /"You're not efficient enough and you can't keep up with the company's pace."

8."你没有能力,就别怪公司不给你机会。" /"You're not capable, so don't blame the company for not giving you opportunities."

9."你的工作只是一个小角色,别把自己太当回事。" /"Your work is just a small part, don't take yourself too seriously."

10."公司都是为了你好,你理解不了就算了。" /"The company is doing this for your own good, but you just don't understand."

11."我付你工资,你就应该听我的。" /"I pay you, so you should listen to me."

12."你以为你是谁?公司离了你照样运转。" /"Who do you think you are? The company will still run without you."

13."你迟到了,就扣你工资。" /"You're late, so I'm deducting your salary."

14."你休假时间太长了,回来工作要加倍努力。" /"You took too long a vacation, so you need to work extra hard when you come back."

15."你的工作能力太差了,不适合这份工作。" /"Your work performance is too bad, you're not suitable for this job."

16."你没有业绩,就别怪公司不给你加薪。" /"You have no performance, so don't blame the company for not giving you a raise."

17."你工作太久了,该换个年轻人了。" /"You've been working here for too long, it's time for a younger person."

18."你老了,跟不上时代了。" /"You're old, you can't keep up with the times."

19."你工作态度太消极,需要改变。" /"Your work attitude is too negative, you need to change."

20."你怎么还没完成任务?工作效率太低了。" /"Why haven't you finished the task yet? Your work efficiency is too low."

21."你工作的时候能不能认真点?" /"Can you please be more serious when you work?"

22."你以为你是老板吗?" /"Do you think you're the boss?"

23."你怎么总是犯错?" /"Why do you always make mistakes?"

24."你的工作态度太差了,我不喜欢。" /"Your work attitude is terrible, I don't like it."

25."公司要裁员,你被选中了。" /"The company is laying off people, and you're chosen."

26."你工作太久,身体肯定很累吧。" /"You've been working too long, you must be tired."

27."你工作的时候不能玩手机。" /"You can't play on your phone while you're working."

28."你怎么总是请假?" /"Why do you always ask for leave?"

29."你工作的时候能不能别总是聊天?" /"Can you please stop chatting while you're working?"

30."你工作太久了,该休息一下了。" /"You've been working too long, you need to take a break."

31."你工作的时候不能吃东西。" /"You can't eat while you're working."

32."你怎么总是迟到?" /"Why are you always late?"

33."你工作的时候能不能别总是走神?" /"Can you please stop daydreaming while you're working?"

34."你的工作能力太差了,需要提高。" /"Your work performance is too bad, you need to improve."

35."你怎么总是犯同样的错误?" /"Why do you always make the same mistake?"

36."你工作的时候能不能别总是发呆?" /"Can you please stop staring blankly while you're working?"

37."你的工作效率太低了,需要改进。" /"Your work efficiency is too low, you need to improve."

38."你工作的时候能不能别总是偷懒?" /"Can you please stop slacking off while you're working?"

39."你的工作态度太差了,需要调整。" /"Your work attitude is terrible, you need to adjust."

40."你怎么总是做不好工作?" /"Why do you always fail to do your job well?"

41."你工作的时候能不能别总是抱怨?" /"Can you please stop complaining while you're working?"

42."你工作的时候能不能别总是打瞌睡?" /"Can you please stop falling asleep while you're working?"

43."你的工作能力太差了,需要加强培训。" /"Your work performance is too bad, you need to receive more training."

44."你工作的时候能不能别总是玩手机?" /"Can you please stop playing on your phone while you're working?"

45."你工作的时候能不能别总是看手机?" /"Can you please stop looking at your phone while you're working?"

46."你怎么总是把工作推给别人?" /"Why do you always pass the work on to others?"

47."你工作的时候能不能别总是开小差?" /"Can you please stop getting distracted while you're working?"

48."你工作的时候能不能别总是说话?" /"Can you please stop talking while you're working?"

49."你怎么总是把工作拖到最后一分钟?" /"Why do you always procrastinate and wait until the last minute?"

50."你工作的时候能不能别总是乱说话?" /"Can you please stop talking nonsense while you're working?"

51."你怎么总是把工作搞砸?" /"Why do you always mess up your work?"

52."你工作的时候能不能别总是东张西望?" /"Can you please stop looking around while you're working?"

53."你工作的时候能不能别总是偷懒?" /"Can you please stop slacking off while you're working?"

54."你工作的时候能不能别总是走神?" /"Can you please stop daydreaming while you're working?"

55."你怎么总是把工作搞得一团糟?" /"Why do you always make a mess of your work?"

56."你工作的时候能不能别总是做小动作?" /"Can you please stop fidgeting while you're working?"

57."你怎么总是把工作推卸给别人?" /"Why do you always shift the blame to others?"

58."你工作的时候能不能别总是玩游戏?" /"Can you please stop playing games while you're working?"

59."你工作的时候能不能别总是看小说?" /"Can you please stop reading novels while you're working?"

60."你怎么总是把工作搞得乱七八糟?" /"Why do you always make a mess of your work?"

61."你工作的时候能不能别总是聊天?" /"Can you please stop chatting while you're working?"

62."你怎么总是把工作拖到最后一分钟?" /"Why do you always procrastinate and wait until the last minute?"

63."你工作的时候能不能别总是玩手机?" /"Can you please stop playing on your phone while you're working?"

64."你怎么总是把工作搞得一团糟?" /"Why do you always make a mess of your work?"

以上就是关于老板让员工心寒的句子64句(老板让员工心寒的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
