
## 祈求不要下雨的句子 (51句)


1. 天公作美,请不要下雨!

2. 祈祷今天阳光明媚,没有雨滴。

3. 希望老天爷能眷顾我们,不要下雨。

4. 老天爷,求求你,别下雨了。

5. 今天天气真好,希望不要下雨。

6. 老天爷,请你赏个晴天,不要下雨。

7. 愿晴空万里,无雨无风。

8. 请老天爷赐予我们一个美好的晴天。

9. 不要下雨,不要下雨,我要出去玩。

10. 老天爷,求求你,让我今天顺利出门,不要下雨。

11. 雨神,请你暂且歇歇,不要下雨了。

12. 今天有重要的事情,求求老天爷不要下雨。

13. 老天爷,你今天可不可以不要下雨?

14. 祈求风调雨顺,但今天希望不要下雨。

15. 老天爷,请你今天不要下雨,让我能够顺利完成计划。

16. 希望今天能是一个晴朗的好天气,不要下雨。

17. 老天爷,求求你,今天别下雨了,让我出去散散步。

18. 天公作美,希望今天能够阳光普照,不要下雨。

19. 老天爷,今天我想要一个晴天,不要下雨。

20. 今天有重要的活动,希望老天爷不要下雨。

21. 祈求老天爷保佑,今天不要下雨。

22. 老天爷,你今天心情好吗?希望你今天不要下雨。

23. 雨神,今天能不能不来打扰我们?

24. 今天出门,希望不要下雨,能够顺利回家。

25. 希望老天爷能够听到我的祈祷,今天不要下雨。

26. 老天爷,请你今天不要下雨,让我的心情更加美好。

27. 希望今天的天气能够如我所愿,不要下雨。

28. 老天爷,今天我要出去玩,求求你,不要下雨。

29. 老天爷,你今天可以不要下雨吗?

30. 今天我想要阳光明媚的天气,不要下雨。

31. 老天爷,请你今天不要下雨,让我能够安然无恙。

32. 老天爷,今天我想要一个快乐的晴天,不要下雨。

33. 老天爷,你今天可以不要下雨吗?我想去公园散步。

34. 老天爷,请你今天不要下雨,我要出去拍照。

35. 雨神,今天能不能不要下雨,让我能够顺利完成工作。

36. 老天爷,今天我想要一个美好的一天,不要下雨。

37. 希望老天爷今天能够给我一个晴朗的好天气,不要下雨。

38. 老天爷,求求你,今天别下雨了,我要去参加婚礼。

39. 老天爷,今天我想要一个充满阳光的天气,不要下雨。

40. 老天爷,你今天可以不要下雨吗?我要去郊游。

41. 老天爷,请你今天不要下雨,让我能够顺利地完成旅行。

42. 老天爷,你今天可以不要下雨吗?我要去爬山。

43. 老天爷,今天我想要一个充满阳光的一天,不要下雨。

44. 雨神,今天能不能不要下雨,让我能够顺利地完成比赛。

45. 老天爷,今天我想要一个充满欢乐的一天,不要下雨。

46. 老天爷,你今天可以不要下雨吗?我要去参加聚会。

47. 老天爷,请你今天不要下雨,让我能够顺利地完成面试。

48. 老天爷,今天我想要一个充满美好的一天,不要下雨。

49. 雨神,今天能不能不要下雨,让我能够顺利地完成约会。

50. 老天爷,今天我想要一个充满幸福的一天,不要下雨。

51. 老天爷,你今天可以不要下雨吗?我要去见朋友。


1. Please let the weather be favorable, don't rain!

2. Praying for sunshine today, no raindrops.

3. Hope the sky will favor us, no rain.

4. Dear God, please, don't rain.

5. The weather is so nice today, I hope it doesn't rain.

6. God, please give us a sunny day, no rain.

7. May the sky be clear, no rain, no wind.

8. Please grant us a beautiful sunny day, God.

9. Don't rain, don't rain, I want to go out and play.

10. God, please let me go out smoothly today, don't rain.

11. Rain God, please take a break, don't rain anymore.

12. I have important things to do today, please God, don't rain.

13. God, can you please not rain today?

14. Praying for good weather, but I hope it doesn't rain today.

15. God, please don't rain today, let me successfully complete my plan.

16. Hope today will be a sunny and beautiful day, no rain.

17. God, please don't rain today, let me go out for a walk.

18. The weather is favorable, hope today will be sunny and bright, no rain.

19. God, I want a sunny day today, no rain.

20. I have an important event today, hope God doesn't rain.

21. Praying for God's blessing, no rain today.

22. God, are you in a good mood today? I hope you don't rain today.

23. Rain God, can you not disturb us today?

24. I'm going out today, hope it doesn't rain, I can get home safely.

25. Hope God can hear my prayers, no rain today.

26. God, please don't rain today, let my mood be better.

27. Hope today's weather will be as I wish, no rain.

28. God, I want to go out and play today, please, don't rain.

29. God, can you please not rain today?

30. I want sunny and bright weather today, no rain.

31. God, please don't rain today, let me be safe and sound.

32. God, I want a happy sunny day today, no rain.

33. God, can you please not rain today? I want to go for a walk in the park.

34. God, please don't rain today, I want to go out and take pictures.

35. Rain God, can you please not rain today, let me successfully complete my work.

36. God, I want a beautiful day today, no rain.

37. Hope God can give me a sunny and beautiful day today, no rain.

38. God, please, don't rain today, I want to go to a wedding.

39. God, I want a sunny day today, no rain.

40. God, can you please not rain today? I want to go on a picnic.

41. God, please don't rain today, let me successfully complete my trip.

42. God, can you please not rain today? I want to go hiking.

43. God, I want a sunny day today, no rain.

44. Rain God, can you please not rain today, let me successfully complete the competition.

45. God, I want a joyful day today, no rain.

46. God, can you please not rain today? I want to go to a party.

47. God, please don't rain today, let me successfully complete the interview.

48. God, I want a beautiful day today, no rain.

49. Rain God, can you please not rain today, let me successfully complete the date.

50. God, I want a happy day today, no rain.

51. God, can you please not rain today? I want to see my friends.

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