
## 拜关云长句子 (69句)

**1. 忠义无双,威震华夏。**

Loyal and righteous, unparalleled, your might shakes the land.

**2. 赤面长髯,神威凛凛。**

Red face and long beard, your divine power is awe-inspiring.

**3. 义薄云天,忠肝义胆。**

Your loyalty reaches the heavens, your heart and gall are true.

**4. 青龙偃月,神兵利器。**

The Green Dragon Crescent Blade, a divine weapon of power.

**5. 温酒斩华雄,勇冠三军。**

You warmed the wine and slew Hua Xiong, the bravest among all.

**6. 过五关斩六将,忠义之魂。**

Passing five gates and slaying six generals, the soul of loyalty and righteousness.

**7. 桃园结义,情谊深厚。**

The Oath of the Peach Garden, a bond of deep friendship.

**8. 千里走单骑,忠义永存。**

Riding a thousand miles alone, your loyalty and righteousness endure forever.

**9. 神机妙算,智勇双全。**

Your strategies are brilliant, your courage and wisdom unmatched.

**10. 护国安民,保境安邦。**

You protect the country and its people, ensuring peace and stability.

**11. 忠义千秋,永世流芳。**

Your loyalty and righteousness will be remembered for eternity.

**12. 关公面前,不敢耍刀。**

In the presence of Guan Gong, I dare not wield a blade.

**13. 关公刀法,天下无双。**

Guan Gong's swordsmanship is unrivaled in the world.

**14. 关公精神,代代相传。**

The spirit of Guan Gong is passed down through generations.

**15. 敬仰关公,心怀敬畏。**

I revere Guan Gong and hold him in awe.

**16. 愿效关公,忠义为民。**

I wish to follow Guan Gong's example, serving the people with loyalty and righteousness.

**17. 关公之义,感天动地。**

Guan Gong's righteousness moves heaven and earth.

**18. 关公之勇,令人生畏。**

Guan Gong's courage inspires awe in all who witness it.

**19. 关公之忠,日月可鉴。**

Guan Gong's loyalty is as bright as the sun and moon.

**20. 关公之仁,泽被后世。**

Guan Gong's benevolence benefits future generations.

**21. 关公之义,天地共仰。**

Guan Gong's righteousness is admired by heaven and earth.

**22. 关公之德,万世流传。**

Guan Gong's virtue will be passed down for ten thousand generations.

**23. 关公之威,震慑四方。**

Guan Gong's might terrifies all directions.

**24. 关公之名,响彻古今。**

Guan Gong's name resonates throughout history.

**25. 关公之义,日月可鉴。**

Guan Gong's righteousness is as bright as the sun and moon.

**26. 关公之忠,天地可鉴。**

Guan Gong's loyalty is as clear as heaven and earth.

**27. 关公之勇,鬼神莫测。**

Guan Gong's courage is unpredictable, even to spirits and gods.

**28. 关公之仁,普度众生。**

Guan Gong's benevolence extends to all beings.

**29. 关公之义,亘古长存。**

Guan Gong's righteousness endures throughout eternity.

**30. 关公之忠,千古流芳。**

Guan Gong's loyalty will be remembered for a thousand years.

**31. 关公之勇,威震四方。**

Guan Gong's courage shakes all directions.

**32. 关公之仁,泽被后人。**

Guan Gong's benevolence benefits those who come after him.

**33. 关公之德,万世楷模。**

Guan Gong's virtue is a model for all generations.

**34. 关公之威,震慑群雄。**

Guan Gong's might terrifies all heroes.

**35. 关公之名,响彻云霄。**

Guan Gong's name echoes through the heavens.

**36. 关公之义,昭示天下。**

Guan Gong's righteousness is proclaimed to the world.

**37. 关公之忠,天地可鉴。**

Guan Gong's loyalty is as clear as heaven and earth.

**38. 关公之勇,勇冠三军。**

Guan Gong's courage is unmatched among all armies.

**39. 关公之仁,心怀慈悲。**

Guan Gong's benevolence is filled with compassion.

**40. 关公之德,垂范后世。**

Guan Gong's virtue sets an example for future generations.

**41. 关公之威,震慑宵小。**

Guan Gong's might terrifies the wicked.

**42. 关公之名,流芳百世。**

Guan Gong's name will be remembered for hundreds of generations.

**43. 关公之义,永垂青史。**

Guan Gong's righteousness will be forever etched in history.

**44. 关公之忠,日月可鉴。**

Guan Gong's loyalty is as bright as the sun and moon.

**45. 关公之勇,鬼神莫测。**

Guan Gong's courage is unpredictable, even to spirits and gods.

**46. 关公之仁,泽被四方。**

Guan Gong's benevolence benefits all directions.

**47. 关公之德,万世流芳。**

Guan Gong's virtue will be remembered for ten thousand generations.

**48. 关公之威,震慑群雄。**

Guan Gong's might terrifies all heroes.

**49. 关公之名,响彻寰宇。**

Guan Gong's name echoes throughout the world.

**50. 关公之义,昭示古今。**

Guan Gong's righteousness is proclaimed to all times.

**51. 关公之忠,天地可鉴。**

Guan Gong's loyalty is as clear as heaven and earth.

**52. 关公之勇,勇冠天下。**

Guan Gong's courage is unrivaled in the world.

**53. 关公之仁,心怀慈悲。**

Guan Gong's benevolence is filled with compassion.

**54. 关公之德,垂范后世。**

Guan Gong's virtue sets an example for future generations.

**55. 关公之威,震慑四方。**

Guan Gong's might terrifies all directions.

**56. 关公之名,流芳百世。**

Guan Gong's name will be remembered for hundreds of generations.

**57. 关公之义,永垂青史。**

Guan Gong's righteousness will be forever etched in history.

**58. 关公之忠,日月可鉴。**

Guan Gong's loyalty is as bright as the sun and moon.

**59. 关公之勇,鬼神莫测。**

Guan Gong's courage is unpredictable, even to spirits and gods.

**60. 关公之仁,泽被四方。**

Guan Gong's benevolence benefits all directions.

**61. 关公之德,万世流芳。**

Guan Gong's virtue will be remembered for ten thousand generations.

**62. 关公之威,震慑群雄。**

Guan Gong's might terrifies all heroes.

**63. 关公之名,响彻寰宇。**

Guan Gong's name echoes throughout the world.

**64. 关公之义,昭示古今。**

Guan Gong's righteousness is proclaimed to all times.

**65. 关公之忠,天地可鉴。**

Guan Gong's loyalty is as clear as heaven and earth.

**66. 关公之勇,勇冠天下。**

Guan Gong's courage is unrivaled in the world.

**67. 关公之仁,心怀慈悲。**

Guan Gong's benevolence is filled with compassion.

**68. 关公之德,垂范后世。**

Guan Gong's virtue sets an example for future generations.

**69. 关公之威,震慑四方。**

Guan Gong's might terrifies all directions.

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