
## 愿他日相逢 69句


1. 愿他日相逢,你我皆是更好的自己。

May we meet again someday, both of us better versions of ourselves.

2. 他日相逢,且看花开满枝头。

May we meet again someday, and see flowers blooming on every branch.

3. 愿他日相逢,我们依然可以谈笑风生。

May we meet again someday, and still be able to chat and laugh together.

4. 他日相逢,愿你我都能拥有更美好的未来。

May we meet again someday, and both of us have a brighter future.

5. 他日相逢,愿我们都已实现心中所想。

May we meet again someday, and all of our dreams come true.

6. 他日相逢,愿你我依然可以互相扶持。

May we meet again someday, and still be able to support each other.

7. 他日相逢,愿我们都已不再是当初的少年。

May we meet again someday, and we are no longer the young people we used to be.

8. 他日相逢,愿我们都已历经风雨,却依然保持初心。

May we meet again someday, and we have weathered storms, but still maintain our original intentions.

9. 他日相逢,愿我们都已成为更好的自己。

May we meet again someday, and we have become better versions of ourselves.

10. 他日相逢,愿我们都已拥有幸福的家庭。

May we meet again someday, and we all have happy families.

11. 他日相逢,愿我们都已找到人生的真谛。

May we meet again someday, and we have all found the meaning of life.

12. 他日相逢,愿我们都已活出精彩的人生。

May we meet again someday, and we have all lived a wonderful life.

13. 他日相逢,愿我们都已成为彼此的骄傲。

May we meet again someday, and we have all become each other's pride.

14. 他日相逢,愿我们都已拥有一个充满爱的世界。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a world full of love.

15. 他日相逢,愿我们都已成为更好的自己,也拥有一个更美好的世界。

May we meet again someday, and we have all become better versions of ourselves, and have a better world.


16. 他日相逢,我会记得你眼中的光芒。

May we meet again someday, I will remember the light in your eyes.

17. 他日相逢,我会想起你温暖的笑容。

May we meet again someday, I will remember your warm smile.

18. 他日相逢,我会再次感受你对我的好。

May we meet again someday, I will feel your kindness to me again.

19. 他日相逢,我会告诉你,这些年我一直在想你。

May we meet again someday, I will tell you that I have been thinking about you all these years.

20. 他日相逢,我会带着我的故事,和你分享我的喜怒哀乐。

May we meet again someday, I will bring my stories and share my joys, sorrows, and everything in between with you.

21. 他日相逢,我会感谢你曾经出现在我的生命里。

May we meet again someday, I will thank you for appearing in my life.

22. 他日相逢,我会告诉你,我从未忘记你。

May we meet again someday, I will tell you that I have never forgotten you.

23. 他日相逢,我会想起我们一起走过的路。

May we meet again someday, I will remember the road we walked together.

24. 他日相逢,我会想起我们一起经历的那些事。

May we meet again someday, I will remember the things we have experienced together.

25. 他日相逢,我会想起你对我的好,也会想起我对你的思念。

May we meet again someday, I will remember your kindness to me, and also my longing for you.

26. 他日相逢,我会告诉你,我永远不会忘记你。

May we meet again someday, I will tell you that I will never forget you.

27. 他日相逢,我会带着你给我的回忆,继续前行。

May we meet again someday, I will take the memories you have given me and continue to move forward.

28. 他日相逢,我会想起你的音容笑貌,也会想起你带给我的感动。

May we meet again someday, I will remember your face, voice, and smile, and the moving moments you brought me.

29. 他日相逢,我会告诉你说,你永远在我的心里。

May we meet again someday, I will tell you that you will always be in my heart.

30. 他日相逢,我会想起你,也会想起我们一起的过去。

May we meet again someday, I will think of you, and our past together.


31. 他日相逢,愿时间可以抹去我们之间的距离。

May we meet again someday, and time can erase the distance between us.

32. 他日相逢,愿我们不再有遗憾。

May we meet again someday, and we will have no regrets.

33. 他日相逢,愿我们都已放下过往,迎接新的开始。

May we meet again someday, and we have all let go of the past and embrace a new beginning.

34. 他日相逢,愿我们都已释怀,不再留恋。

May we meet again someday, and we have all let go, no longer clinging to the past.

35. 他日相逢,愿我们都能明白,有些事情无法改变。

May we meet again someday, and we all understand that some things cannot be changed.

36. 他日相逢,愿我们都已学会珍惜,不再错过。

May we meet again someday, and we have all learned to cherish, and no longer miss.

37. 他日相逢,愿我们都已明白,有些缘分注定要结束。

May we meet again someday, and we all understand that some relationships are destined to end.

38. 他日相逢,愿我们都已明白,有些事情注定要失去。

May we meet again someday, and we all understand that some things are destined to be lost.

39. 他日相逢,愿我们都能坦然面对,不再留恋。

May we meet again someday, and we can all face it calmly, no longer clinging to the past.

40. 他日相逢,愿我们都已找到新的方向,不再迷茫。

May we meet again someday, and we have all found new directions, no longer lost.

41. 他日相逢,愿我们都已释然,不再悲伤。

May we meet again someday, and we have all let go, no longer sad.

42. 他日相逢,愿我们都已学会放下,不再执着。

May we meet again someday, and we have all learned to let go, no longer clinging to the past.

43. 他日相逢,愿我们都能坦然面对,不再逃避。

May we meet again someday, and we can all face it calmly, no longer avoiding.

44. 他日相逢,愿我们都能笑着面对,不再悲伤。

May we meet again someday, and we can all face it with a smile, no longer sad.

45. 他日相逢,愿我们都已找到属于自己的幸福,不再遗憾。

May we meet again someday, and we have all found our own happiness, no longer regretting.


46. 他日相逢,愿我们都已拥有一个美好的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a beautiful future.

47. 他日相逢,愿我们都已找到属于自己的幸福。

May we meet again someday, and we have all found our own happiness.

48. 他日相逢,愿我们都已成为更好的自己。

May we meet again someday, and we have all become better versions of ourselves.

49. 他日相逢,愿我们都能实现自己的梦想。

May we meet again someday, and we can all achieve our dreams.

50. 他日相逢,愿我们都已找到人生的意义。

May we meet again someday, and we have all found the meaning of life.

51. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满爱的世界。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a world full of love.

52. 他日相逢,愿我们都能活出精彩的人生。

May we meet again someday, and we have all lived a wonderful life.

53. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个美好的未来,也拥有一个充满爱的世界。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a beautiful future, and a world full of love.

54. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满希望的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a future filled with hope.

55. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满阳光的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a future filled with sunshine.

56. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满快乐的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a future filled with joy.

57. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满幸福的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a future filled with happiness.

58. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满意义的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a future filled with meaning.

59. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满梦想的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a future filled with dreams.

60. 他日相逢,愿我们都能拥有一个充满希望、阳光、快乐、幸福、意义、梦想的未来。

May we meet again someday, and we all have a future filled with hope, sunshine, joy, happiness, meaning, and dreams.


61. 他日相逢,愿我们都已不再是当初的自己。

May we meet again someday, and we are no longer the people we used to be.

62. 他日相逢,愿我们都已拥有不同的故事。

May we meet again someday, and we have all had different stories.

63. 他日相逢,愿我们都已经历了不同的旅程。

May we meet again someday, and we have all experienced different journeys.

64. 他日相逢,愿我们都已成为更成熟的自己。

May we meet again someday, and we have all become more mature versions of ourselves.

65. 他日相逢,愿我们都能以全新的面貌出现在彼此面前。

May we meet again someday, and we can all appear before each other with a new look.

66. 他日相逢,愿我们都能带着自己的故事,再次相遇。

May we meet again someday, and we can all bring our stories and meet again.

67. 他日相逢,愿我们都能用全新的视角,去看待彼此。

May we meet again someday, and we can all look at each other with a new perspective.

68. 他日相逢,愿我们都能以全新的姿态,迎接彼此。

May we meet again someday, and we can all greet each other with a new posture.

69. 他日相逢,愿我们都能用全新的方式,去感受彼此。

May we meet again someday, and we can all feel each other in a new way.

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