
## 师太调侃句子,56句(含英文翻译)

**1. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是别人说我老。
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is people saying I'm old.

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is people saying I'm old.

**2. 师太:**我年轻的时候,可是这里(指胸口)最受欢迎的。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I was the most popular here (pointing to her chest).

The nun: When I was young, I was the most popular here (pointing to her chest).

**3. 师太:**阿弥陀佛,贫尼还是个少女心。
**英文:**The nun: Amitabha, I still have a girlish heart.

The nun: Amitabha, I still have a girlish heart.

**4. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最大的遗憾就是没嫁出去,不然现在应该抱孙子了。
**英文:**The nun: My biggest regret in life is that I didn't get married. Otherwise, I should be holding my grandson now.

The nun: My biggest regret in life is that I didn't get married. Otherwise, I should be holding my grandson now.

**5. 师太:**施主,你的头发比贫尼的还少。
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your hair is less than mine.

The nun: Donor, your hair is less than mine.

**6. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是武林第一美女,现在嘛,只能说是武林第一老太婆了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I was the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world. Now, I can only say I'm the oldest woman in the martial arts world.

The nun: When I was young, I was the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world. Now, I can only say I'm the oldest woman in the martial arts world.

**7. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最喜欢的就是吃斋饭,因为不用担心吃胖。
**英文:**The nun: The thing I love most in my life is to eat vegetarian food, because I don't have to worry about getting fat.

The nun: The thing I love most in my life is to eat vegetarian food, because I don't have to worry about getting fat.

**8. 师太:**施主,你看起来比贫尼年轻多了。
**英文:**The nun: Donor, you look much younger than me.

The nun: Donor, you look much younger than me.

**9. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最恨的就是有人说我老,我明明还很年轻!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young!

**10. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很风流的,现在嘛,只能说风流不再了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I was very charming. Now, I can only say that I'm no longer charming.

The nun: When I was young, I was very charming. Now, I can only say that I'm no longer charming.

**11. 师太:**施主,你的脸比贫尼的还要白,是擦了什么粉吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your face is whiter than mine. Did you use some powder?

The nun: Donor, your face is whiter than mine. Did you use some powder?

**12. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是打扫卫生,可是又不得不打扫。
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is cleaning, but I have to do it.

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is cleaning, but I have to do it.

**13. 师太:**施主,你的眼睛比贫尼的还要亮,是戴了美瞳吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your eyes are brighter than mine. Did you wear colored contact lenses?

The nun: Donor, your eyes are brighter than mine. Did you wear colored contact lenses?

**14. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱美的,现在嘛,只能说爱美之心不可辜负了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I was very fond of beauty. Now, I can only say that I should never give up the pursuit of beauty.

The nun: When I was young, I was very fond of beauty. Now, I can only say that I should never give up the pursuit of beauty.

**15. 师太:**施主,你的身材比贫尼的还要好,是经常锻炼吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your figure is better than mine. Do you exercise regularly?

The nun: Donor, your figure is better than mine. Do you exercise regularly?

**16. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是吃素,可是又不得不吃。
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is eating vegetarian food, but I have to do it.

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is eating vegetarian food, but I have to do it.

**17. 师太:**施主,你的皮肤比贫尼的还要光滑,是用了什么护肤品吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your skin is smoother than mine. Did you use any skincare products?

The nun: Donor, your skin is smoother than mine. Did you use any skincare products?

**18. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱笑的,现在嘛,只能说一笑就皱纹出来了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I used to smile a lot. Now, I can only say that I get wrinkles when I smile.

The nun: When I was young, I used to smile a lot. Now, I can only say that I get wrinkles when I smile.

**19. 师太:**施主,你的气色比贫尼的还要好,是吃了什么补品吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your complexion is better than mine. Did you take any tonics?

The nun: Donor, your complexion is better than mine. Did you take any tonics?

**20. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是念经,可是又不得不念。
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is reciting scriptures, but I have to do it.

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is reciting scriptures, but I have to do it.

**21. 师太:**施主,你的声音比贫尼的还要甜,是练过声乐吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your voice is sweeter than mine. Have you practiced singing?

The nun: Donor, your voice is sweeter than mine. Have you practiced singing?

**22. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱跳舞的,现在嘛,只能说老骨头跳不动了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I loved to dance. Now, I can only say that my old bones can't move.

The nun: When I was young, I loved to dance. Now, I can only say that my old bones can't move.

**23. 师太:**施主,你的步伐比贫尼的还要轻盈,是练过轻功吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your steps are lighter than mine. Have you practiced light kung fu?

The nun: Donor, your steps are lighter than mine. Have you practiced light kung fu?

**24. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是吃药,可是又不得不吃。
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is taking medicine, but I have to do it.

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is taking medicine, but I have to do it.

**25. 师太:**施主,你的眼神比贫尼的还要锐利,是练过眼神功吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your eyes are sharper than mine. Have you practiced eye exercises?

The nun: Donor, your eyes are sharper than mine. Have you practiced eye exercises?

**26. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱笑的,现在嘛,只能说一笑就露牙龈了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I used to smile a lot. Now, I can only say that I show my gums when I smile.

The nun: When I was young, I used to smile a lot. Now, I can only say that I show my gums when I smile.

**27. 师太:**施主,你的手比贫尼的还要嫩,是经常做美容吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your hands are softer than mine. Do you get beauty treatments often?

The nun: Donor, your hands are softer than mine. Do you get beauty treatments often?

**28. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是别人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能打!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still fight!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still fight!

**29. 师太:**施主,你的腰比贫尼的还要细,是经常练瑜伽吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your waist is thinner than mine. Do you practice yoga often?

The nun: Donor, your waist is thinner than mine. Do you practice yoga often?

**30. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱穿漂亮衣服的,现在嘛,只能说穿什么都一样了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I loved to wear beautiful clothes. Now, I can only say that it doesn't matter what I wear anymore.

The nun: When I was young, I loved to wear beautiful clothes. Now, I can only say that it doesn't matter what I wear anymore.

**31. 师太:**施主,你的腿比贫尼的还要长,是经常跑步吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your legs are longer than mine. Do you run often?

The nun: Donor, your legs are longer than mine. Do you run often?

**32. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是有人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能吃!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still eat a lot!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still eat a lot!

**33. 师太:**施主,你的头髮比贫尼的还要黑,是染髮了吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your hair is darker than mine. Did you dye your hair?

The nun: Donor, your hair is darker than mine. Did you dye your hair?

**34. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱说话的,现在嘛,只能说老了就爱唠叨了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I used to talk a lot. Now, I can only say that I'm old and like to nag.

The nun: When I was young, I used to talk a lot. Now, I can only say that I'm old and like to nag.

**35. 师太:**施主,你的声音比贫尼的还要洪亮,是练过广播体操吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your voice is louder than mine. Have you practiced radio calisthenics?

The nun: Donor, your voice is louder than mine. Have you practiced radio calisthenics?

**36. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱逛街的,现在嘛,只能说逛不动了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I loved to go shopping. Now, I can only say that I can't walk around anymore.

The nun: When I was young, I loved to go shopping. Now, I can only say that I can't walk around anymore.

**37. 师太:**施主,你的笑容比贫尼的还要灿烂,是经常做好事吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your smile is brighter than mine. Do you do good deeds often?

The nun: Donor, your smile is brighter than mine. Do you do good deeds often?

**38. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是别人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能睡!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still sleep a lot!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still sleep a lot!

**39. 师太:**施主,你的眼睛比贫尼的还要有神,是经常看帅哥吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your eyes are brighter than mine. Do you look at handsome guys often?

The nun: Donor, your eyes are brighter than mine. Do you look at handsome guys often?

**40. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱打扮的,现在嘛,只能说打扮得跟个老太婆一样了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I loved to dress up. Now, I can only say that I dress like an old woman.

The nun: When I was young, I loved to dress up. Now, I can only say that I dress like an old woman.

**41. 师太:**施主,你的身材比贫尼的还要苗条,是经常减肥吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your figure is slimmer than mine. Do you diet often?

The nun: Donor, your figure is slimmer than mine. Do you diet often?

**42. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是有人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能说!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still talk a lot!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still talk a lot!

**43. 师太:**施主,你的气色比贫尼的还要红润,是经常喝红酒吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your complexion is more rosy than mine. Do you drink red wine often?

The nun: Donor, your complexion is more rosy than mine. Do you drink red wine often?

**44. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱读书的,现在嘛,只能说老了就爱看电视剧了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I loved to read. Now, I can only say that I'm old and like to watch TV series.

The nun: When I was young, I loved to read. Now, I can only say that I'm old and like to watch TV series.

**45. 师太:**施主,你的步伐比贫尼的还要稳健,是经常爬山吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your steps are more steady than mine. Do you climb mountains often?

The nun: Donor, your steps are more steady than mine. Do you climb mountains often?

**46. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是有人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能唱!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still sing!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still sing!

**47. 师太:**施主,你的手艺比贫尼的还要好,是经常下厨吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your cooking skills are better than mine. Do you cook often?

The nun: Donor, your cooking skills are better than mine. Do you cook often?

**48. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱美的,现在嘛,只能说爱美之心不可辜负了,但也要量力而行。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I loved to be beautiful. Now, I can only say that I should never give up the pursuit of beauty, but I have to be realistic.

The nun: When I was young, I loved to be beautiful. Now, I can only say that I should never give up the pursuit of beauty, but I have to be realistic.

**49. 师太:**施主,你的笑容比贫尼的还要甜,是经常吃甜食吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your smile is sweeter than mine. Do you eat sweets often?

The nun: Donor, your smile is sweeter than mine. Do you eat sweets often?

**50. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是有人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能写!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still write!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still write!

**51. 师太:**施主,你的气质比贫尼的还要优雅,是经常练习书法吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your temperament is more elegant than mine. Do you practice calligraphy often?

The nun: Donor, your temperament is more elegant than mine. Do you practice calligraphy often?

**52. 师太:**贫尼年轻的时候可是很爱跳舞的,现在嘛,只能说老了就爱跳广场舞了。
**英文:**The nun: When I was young, I loved to dance. Now, I can only say that I'm old and like to dance square dancing.

The nun: When I was young, I loved to dance. Now, I can only say that I'm old and like to dance square dancing.

**53. 师太:**施主,你的眼睛比贫尼的还要明亮,是经常看星星吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your eyes are brighter than mine. Do you often look at the stars?

The nun: Donor, your eyes are brighter than mine. Do you often look at the stars?

**54. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是有人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能画!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still paint!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still paint!

**55. 师太:**施主,你的声音比贫尼的还要温柔,是经常唱歌吗?
**英文:**The nun: Donor, your voice is softer than mine. Do you often sing?

The nun: Donor, your voice is softer than mine. Do you often sing?

**56. 师太:**贫尼这辈子最讨厌的就是有人说我老,我明明还很年轻,而且还很能玩!
**英文:**The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still play!

The nun: The thing I hate most in my life is when someone says I'm old. I'm still young, and I can still play!

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